September Blog Post Assignment: Friend Zoned

Reflect on this quote:  "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne."  What does this mean?  How does it relate to Cyrano as a character and as a play? Give either a personal experience of when you have been "Friend-Zoned" or a complete description of a scene for another piece of literature or media where one of the characters has been "Friend-Zoned". Then, comment on two different posts from your fellow classmates (two different scholars).   

Friend Zoned - Media Example:  On the TV show Friends, Gunther is in love with Rachel, but she never knows.  Gunther narrates his feelings in his head so that only the audience knows his true feelings.  In the episode "The One With the Tiny T-shirt" (S 3, ep 19), as Rachel is at the counter, Gunther, is cleaning mugs, is narrating conversation scenarios in his head on how he and Rachel could do things together.  Each idea is followed by "as my lover", showing how his feelings for Rachel are more than the friendship she feels towards him.  The private musings are interrupted when Rachel's coworker enters the scene and confesses his long standing crush he has had on Rachel and how he wants to ask her out.  Witnessing this, Gunther removes himself from the audience's view and there is the loud crashing sounds of dishes being broken.  The use of this cacophony expresses not only what Gunther is feeling, but echoes the sympathies of the audience as well.


  1. Love isnt always both ways and it can cause pain for the one who loves. This relates to Cyrano because he loves Roxane and she loves Christian and this causes Cyrano to feel low of himself and frustrated because she fell in love with his words believing they were from Christian. Another example of this would be when in “Friends” Joey is turned down by Janine when he loves her but she doesnt reciprocate the same feelings after she buys him beer and he offers pizza. This helps the audience understand Joey’s sadness and frustration.

    1. Colton, we need a little more clarification in your example from "Friends". How did she friend zone him?

    2. They were discussing how Joey thought they had something growing between them to be more than roommates and she tells him she thinks he's a sweet guy however she has never seen him as more than a friend and lets him down easy.

    3. Much better! Thank you Colton!

    4. I really like this because I’ve seen clips from the show you’re talking about and they really did have some struggles. Especially him because he does really love her and wants only the best for her but even with all his efforts she still doesn’t return the feelings until later on. Which is very similar to Cyrano and how he looks out for Roxane and only chooses the best for her. Except the love of Roxane is not returned in the play.

  2. "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne." This quote means that love that is only one way is good and bad, and that it is done as more of a chore than anything else. It's more of a selfless act since you're not doing anything to and for the only person. This is seen in Cyrano since he loves roxane but just has to be silent and take it, since she only loves christian. Another example of this could be Jim and Pam, in the first 3 seasons of the office. Pam friend-zoned jim since she was engaged to another man, but she did do it very politely by declining his romantic advances and telling him that she doesn’t have feelings for him.

    1. That is a good analysis of the quote and really good application of the quote to the text. To me personally, I would not say that is being friend-zoned in the example of media provided but rather staying loyal to the person you are with.

    2. I think your analysis of the quote is very effective. I also think the Office is a creative example that fits the quote extremely well.

    3. I think the analysis of the quote is really good and the relation to Cyrano works well with the example.

    4. I thought that this was a good way of interpreting the quote, and I really liked when you said that it is considered more of a chore than anything else, especially like how it was for Cyrano helping Christian to get with the Roxane, the girl he loves.

    5. Your Analysis of both the quote and Cyrano's situation are great and concise, with the media example which is good and to the point, so soild work!

    6. I think you perfectly explained the quote. Your example of the office is a perfect example of friendzoning as well.

    7. I agree with you Quinton, it is one-sided love, but Pam is respectfully letting him know that she isn't available romantically.

    8. Well said, it is one sided but she rejected him politely as well.

  3. One example of friend zoning is in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. With Elizabeth Swann and Jack Sparrow. Jack Sparrow finds himself falling in love with many people throughout the five movies. Elizabeth Swann tricked Jack Sparrow multiple times for her gain. Even one time allowing him to kiss her so she could sacrifice him to save her life. In the end always rejecting Jack, and ending up always in love with Will Turner.

    1. That's a good analysis the fact that Elizabeth basically friend zoned Jack to save her own life is around the definition of being friend zoned

    2. i agree, that this is friend zoning. I can't tell if she did this out of her own survival or if she legitimately did not like him.

    3. While the media example is great with detail and good character analysis, you are missing both the analysis of the quote and the connection to Cyrano which detracts from the whole

    4. Your missing a couple of things but I love your example, it's very tragic but I get Elizabeth.

  4. The quote is saying that love that is unrecognized or unrewarded is sweet but at the same time very bitter, because on one end you get to see the person receiving the love happy, but they will never know it was you who did the courteous action. Cyrano relates this quote because he is pouring his heart out to Roxane through his poems and his unseen actions to assist Christian due to Roxane asking him to do so. In the second act, Cyrano even thought that Roxane was confessing her love to him until she said handsome in her little love monologue about Christian. Another source of media where one of the main characters gets friend zoned is "Regular Show" on Season 4, episode 28. Mordecai had been trying to get with Margaret since the first season, but now as she moves on to college, Mordecai decided to confess his feelings and gets placed into the friend zone, sending him into a depression. His actions had been seen as actions from a friend and not actions out of a potential lover.

    1. That's a very good analysis the fact that Mordecal was trying to get with Margaret and just got rejected is a good example of being friend zoned due to her not wanting any type of romantic relationship with Mordecal

    2. I think the Regular Show is a perfect example of this phenomenon and you did a very good job explaining it in an understandable and concise way.

    3. Your analysis of the quote is good and the connection to Cyrano is good as well. I also agree that Regular Show is a good example of being friend zoned.

    4. The regular show reference was an extremely solid example of being Friend-zoned. I think your analysis was very well thought out and had extremely good explanation as to what the quote meant.


  5. The quote basically means love that is not being returned is being brought into the play, this relates to cyrano because cyrano is the one talking for christian and he actually does love roxane but she loves christian. Cyrano's words to her are real but he's talking as christian so he's giving her love but its unreturned because she does know who's actually talking. A personal experience of me being riend–zoned is back in 8th grade. Valentine's day was coming up and i asked a girl to be my valentine who i was pretty sure she liked me. She gave most of the hints but when I asked her she said no. It wasn't so much heartbreaking as it was shocking because I thought I was correct but I wasn't.

    1. I do like how you used your own real world example to and also that it did relate to Cyrano and the quote because you thought one thing and found out another.

    2. I keep liking people who I think like me back but actually don't so this tracks. I'm sorry to hear about your heartache; middle school really is the worst time of anyone's life. Also- I like that you mentioned Cyrano taking Christian's identity specifically. That was a huge character moment I think is under-appreciated.

    3. I agree with your definition along with the example you provided. The example does a nice job to show one sided love

  6. From the Simpsons, Millhouse and Lisa. Millhouse is attracted to Lisa a lot and Lisa just keeps ignoring it and telling Millhouse that she's not interested and He ends up learning over time that he was friendzoned. Lisa did not find MIllhouse attractive and since he was friends with her brother Bart, Lisa didn't feel like ruining a friendship over a small relationship. In one episode Lisa goes off because Millhouse asked her out again and she was tired of him asking and just wanted to put into his head that he was just a friend. Millhouse was very heartbroken over being friend zoned by Lisa.

    1. You're missing the quote analysis from the beginning of the original "Friends" blog, but your application of media to the topic at hand was written very well, but I would add just a little bit more analysis to the end.

    2. I really like this example, since this is also kinda like what Roxanne is doing to Cyrano.

    3. This is a great example because Lisa keeps trying to show they are just friends even when he keeps asking.

    4. I really like this!! That example is really a good way to show a comparison of Roxane and Cyrano's unrequited love. The little red haired girl gives Charlie attention, just like Roxane gives to Cyrano, but it's not the attention he truly wants. Similar to how peppermint patty gets friend zoned by Charlie because he in love with the red haired girl and thinks patty is too boyish and weird in a way.

    5. Lisa was always like that, she also had moments where she did like him but this is a good example nonetheless.

    6. I love this example, I was thinking of a similar one as well! When Peppermint Patty is friend zoned by Charlie because of his feelings for the little red haired girl who doesn’t even seem to give Charlie much attention, unlike Patty. Charlie thinks Patty is weird or too much of a friend to love in that way. But she never stops and just has to accept that unrequited love but still tries her best.

    7. I sent two because the other response wasn’t showing up. Also the two were for Judah I don’t know why it looks like it’s under another. :,)

  7. The quote “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne” fits onto the story of Cyrano almost as a glove fits a hand. He is a quiet and brooding man, and if he had been honest with Roxane he would have been able to possibly get her to love him. An intertextual example of this off the top of my head is Charlie Brown. Charlie is madly in love with the little red haired girl (Who, despite the series’ impressive longevity, we never get the name of). Despite all the years of bumping into each other and coming ever so close to confessing, Charlie always becomes clammy and starts stuttering over his words when talking to the Little Red Haired Girl. If Charlie wasn't so self conscious and instead was more bold, he would be able to introduce himself to her and at the very least get an answer so that he can break the never ending stalemate of unrequited love. It is important to note that this is not directly a “friend-zone” in the traditional sense (that the girl rejects the boy and says “we’re only friends”, etc). Rather, it is Charlie getting in his own head and thus placing himself in the friend-zone, only believing himself to be able to be friends with someone like the Little Red-Haired Girl.

    1. This is a great example! Charlie Brown is a perfect example of unrequited love as he never tries to make an effort to make his love known only through some far-fetched actions that never look his relationship anywhere.

    2. That Comment above ^ ^^^^ "This is a great example! Charlie Brown is a perfect example of unrequited love as he never tries to make an effort to make his love known only through some far-fetched actions that never look his relationship anywhere."

      Was by Tate Bell

    3. I really like your example of friend zoning, because it shows how you can also be friend zoned by yourself if you refuse to act on your feelings. This is really thought provoking and makes me think about how you can be indirectly friend zoned without thinking you have been.

    4. I loved how you explained in detail about how Charlie Brown gets friend zoned, Charlie Brown and Cyrano are very much a like on how the approach the females that they love and or like they both hesitate to express their true feeling which back fires on them and end up friend zoning themselves because they haven't even tried to confess their feeling for the person who they want.

    5. I really like the use of Charlie Brown as an example. I think the way Charlie and Cyrano both get extremely hesitant to talk to the women they love backfires on them as they're too nervous to say anything when the opportunity to do so is right in front of them.

    6. I completely forgot about Charlie Brown getting friend zoned. Is so similar to crayon since both backfire

    7. I like how you transitioned from the quote to its analysis by first describing Cyrano and how his character portrayed.

  8. "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne." I believe the quote means someone loves someone else greatly but they can't tell that person for some reason so they quietly love the person while that person has no idea. This relates to Cyrano because he loves Roxanne but won't tell her he loves her because of his insecurities making him think he's ugly. My personal experience with being friendzoned happened in 4th grade I had had this crush on a boy for years and told someone I had thought was a close friend and she had told her other friend who told the boy I liked:(. He told me that he didn't like me that way and so we stayed friends.

  9. The quote, "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne.", could mean how one sided love is not easy and harsh. The quote mentions the word bittersweet, unrequited love can be this way because you know that this love is one sided, knowing that love wont be received, but its sweet in knowing that the person who is loved is happy either way. An example would be from the show Naruto, where Naruto really likes Sakura and would do anything for her, but is quickly rejected and friend zoned every time he tries to get her to like him back.

    1. I agree with your analysis on the quote, it ties back to Cyrano because he definitely struggles with knowing his love is not being reciprocated by Roxane, but he is still trying to be happy for her that she found love with Christian.

    2. I agree that the phrase "the bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne" is exemplified in Naruto. Sakura's relationship with Naruto demonstrates his compassionate nature, while the bitterness stems from his constant rejection. This concept is evident in literature and real-world incidents.

    3. I agree with this example. I feel like Naruto is one of the only characters that could move on from his original love of Sakura, to Hinata eventually and never let it blind him completely when trying to do any missions. He always tried to make an effort but Sakura never cared.

    4. I agree with your interpretation of the quote and it's application to your chosen text, I do wonder if there another scenario where the character of Naruto demonstrates the second half referring to words like "silently" or "nobly" when it comes to having feelings for a love interest in the show.

    5. I agree with the connection between Cyrano and Naruto because it shows how if you really love someone you would want them to be happy no matter how you feel.

    6. Slaying as usual Jaden; great analysis. Getting to see the people you love (even in a platonic context) happy is an amazing feeling. Also I've never watched Naruto can you explain the plot pretty please?

    7. Jaden, I really love your wording on how the quote is saying that love is not easy and is harsh because that is very clearly shown when it comes to Cyrano.

    8. I agree with your analysis on the quote, unrequited love is not easy and very harsh. The connection you made between Cyrano and Naruto is very effective, as they both would do anything for the one they care for.

  10. The quote "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne" means that unreturned love is both sad and sweet, and it can be endured with dignity and grace. In "Cyrano de Bergerac," this applies to Cyrano himself. He loves Roxane but knows she doesn’t love him back. He helps her be with another man, Christian, without revealing his feelings. Cyrano handles his unrequited love with honor and selflessness, showing both the sadness of his situation and the nobility in how he deals with it.
    An example is the movie 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), specifically the scene where Patrick is dealing with the aftermath of his romantic gesture toward Kat. Patrick feels hurt after trying to win Kat over with a grand gesture. Even though he put a lot of effort into it, his earlier dishonesty caused problems between them, and now he has to handle the emotional mess. The scene shows how pretending to be something you're not can mess up relationships and lead to feelings that aren’t returned, even if your true feelings are real.

    1. The Example 10 Things I hate about you is good because we see the aftermath of Patrick confessing his move and something that Cyrano may think could happen to him and lose Roxane all together.

    2. I like your example from 10 Things I Hate About You, it relates to Cyrano's situation of him writing all the poetry and talking to Roxane for Christian because it may backfire on him.

    3. I thought that this was a good analysis of the quote! Using the example of the movie "10 Things I Hate About You" was really great and went deeper into how the bitter-sweetness of that one sided love can make someone feel all sorts of emotions.

    4. Yes, 10 Things I Hate About You and Cyrano de Bergerac explore the bittersweet nature of unrequited love, exemplified by Cyrano's altruistic love for Roxane and Patrick's path. Both characters demonstrate emotional fortitude and dignity in handling unrequited or lying love, highlighting the deeply ingrained character of each character.

    5. I really loved your deep analysis on the quote, you were very thourogh and I agree that it was very selfless of Cyrano to help Roxane find love in Christian.


  11. “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne”. I think this quote means that there can be love for a person but it can only be one sided which can be a good thing but could also be a bad thing. There is a certain bit of knowing the other person doesn’t have the same feelings back like in Cyrano De Bergerac when Roxane is telling Cyrano about the man she has feelings for, Cyrano is thinking about how he has feelings for Roxane and he’s thinking she has feelings back and is describing him but then he finds out its Christian. The bittersweet part is that it’s good she’s found somebody who she believes is the one but the bitter part is Cyrano knows it’s not him. In “Never Have I Ever”, the main character Devi thinks that the guy she likes has feelings for her and that they were spending time together because he liked her but when he invited her over it was along with their other friends. Devi had taken the invitation over as a date and thought it meant he liked her but he was just being a good friend and when she went over and saw their other friends there she realized that it was just a hangout as a whole group and not a date. In this part of the show, Devi had kept trying to find hints that he liked her and this was the last point where she knew that she was being “Friend-Zoned”.

    1. I agree with your media relation. It is similar to when Cyrano thought Roxane and her duena wanted to meet with him for her to confess her love for him, but that wasn't why she wanted to meet with him

    2. I enjoy how you analyzed the quote especially the part where you explain that Cyrano is still happy for Roxane that she found love despite the fact that he still loves her. I enjoy the example you gave as well. I feel like this fits with Cyrano's situation.

    3. I liked how you broke down the quote, especially when you talked about how Cyrano is still happy for Roxane even though she loves a different man. I also enjoyed the example you used since the show is newer and more modern. The example seems to match Cyrano's situation.

  12. "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne." This quote means that love can be good but also bad in that keeping that love down could hurt that person even more but also be good knowing that you share that idea with that person. One example of a friend zone in movies is the Harry Potter series where Lily Potter friended-zoned Severus Snape as even a young child Snape wanted to be with Lily. But Lily is unaware of that fact and she acts as a friend snape does not see it that way and unintentionally breaks his heart and we know that because throughout the movies there are details that come about that help the reader understand and realize Snape's true emoji to Lily and Snape also even says he loved her and hated Harry's father. we also see with Cyrano Roxane is so blind that she only sees Cyrano as a friend and can’t see the true emojis of Cyrano and his actions affecting Cryano.

    1. I agree with your idea that love can be both good and bad, showing that it isn't always one sided, either always being good or always being bad. really gives a new insight as to how most people would look at love in someone.

    2. Comparing Snape’s feelings for Lily to Cyrano’s was perfect. You also did well pointing out that Roxane and Lily don’t know about Cyrano’s and Snape’s love and that makes them both "blind" of love. Although that both characters stay loyal and selfless despite their pain would make it even better. However you did great!

  13. The quote "The bittersweet theme unrequited love is silently and nobly borne" means that unrequited love, while sweet, is also extremely bitter and often is caused from a silent or quiet love that isn't outwardly expressed, but often the character in question is also Noble in some manner thus accepts it while simply trying to make sure their love is happy, Just like in Cyrano where he silently accepts the friend zone given to him and at her request and his initiative helps Christian to seem like what she thought he was, through his words and poems he expressed his true feeling under the guise of Christian so that finally he has said them to her in some manner. In the romantic comedy movie "Just Friends" Chris Brander is Friend zoned by his long time best-friend Jamie Palamino at their high school graduation, she tries to do so gently kissing him on the cheek before saying that while she doesn't reciprocate that love she still sees him as a great friend.

    1. I think that your description of the quote is very well conveyed. I also like your example, because it shows how the person friend zoning can also care for the person being friend zoned.

    2. I really like how you explained the quote concisely and how you swiftly connected each sentence to one another. Reading this, everything makes perfect sense. I also like how you brought up the fact that Cyrano helps Christian be eloquent because he knows Roxane likes that and loves Christian.

    3. I really like your explanation of the quote. It's leaps and bounds better than mine, and I think you hit the nail on the head. It makes sense that Cyrano would help Christian get into a relationship with Roxane out of pure selflessness and nobility rather than going after Roxane himself. He is a man of honor and integrity, so it fits his character.

  14. The phrase "The theme of unrequited love is bittersweet and silently and nobly borne" eloquently conveys the conflict between deeply felt emotions and the anguish of not receiving the same in return. A great example of this concept may be in Cyrano de Bergerac, as Cyrano discreetly and honorably bears his love for Roxane, sacrificing his own happiness to ensure her allegiance to Christian. The themes of the drama include the dignity of unrequited love, self-sacrifice, and inner vs. outer beauty. Another instance is found in The Great Gatsby, where Daisy Buchanan is the object of Jay Gatsby's intense love, but he cannot reciprocate the feeling.

    1. I think the analysis of the quote goes really good with the example of The Great Gatsby and that Daisy and Jay's love was a great example to connect it all together especially with connections to Cyrano.

    2. I really like how you added the sentence, "..Cyrano discreetly and honorably bears his love for Roxane, sacrificing his own happiness to ensure her allegiance to Christian". I think this sums up exactly what Cyrano is doing and how he relates to the quote.

    3. I like that you included how this quote creates the different themes in the book.

  15. "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne." This quote is saying that while unrequited love is a mix of emotions, the characters showing their love are still appreciated for their gestures and how caring they are even though they aren’t being seen or treated as they would like to be. Cyrano has passionate feelings for Roxane and is showing them to her through Christian, she just doesn't know it because he wants her happy and if she thinks Christian will be that for her then Cyrano is gonna be a good friend and step aside so they can both be happy.
    In ICarly, Freddie had a huge crush on Carly and made it very obvious that he had feelings. She consistently friend-zoned him for a long time, until right before she left for a trip as the season finale she kissed him. Even though he was rejected time after time, he still continued to try and in the end it all worked out. This shows that there is always hope and maybe Cyrano will have his chance too.

    1. I agree with your statement "Cyrano has passionate feelings for Roxane and is showing them to her through Christian, she just doesn't know it because he wants her happy and if she thinks Christian will be that for her then Cyrano is gonna be a good friend and step aside so they can both be happy." Cyrano is such a good person and puts other people first, yes he has loved Roxane for a while but he wouldn't want to jeopardize her happiness with Christian.

    2. I enjoyed that you focused on Cyrano's desire for Roxane to be happy, as that just goes to show just how deeply he loves her, that he wishes for her to be loved and cherished by somebody, even if it cant be him. All I can say is that I hope Cyrano has a similar ending as Freddie, though it is certainly going to be more bittersweet given Christian's death.

    3. I agree with the fact you call Cyrano a "good friend" to Roxane showing that while he does have feelings for Roxane he does not become jealous when she loves Christian and tries to stop her from being with him. Instead Cyrano is trying to help Roxane and Christain get together to keep her happy and stay being her good friend.

  16. The quote “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne” is very complex. The meaning of the quote is that when love is unrequited or you are “friend zoned” you will still continue to care for and support that person. This can be seen in Cyrano de Bergerac where Cyrano thinks that he will never be with Roxane, so he decides to support her from afar and do what is best for her and help Christian with his relationship with her. Just because someone doesn’t love you back, doesn't mean that they are undeserving of love. An example of being friend zoned in media is in the Super Mario Brothers video game series. In the games the character Bowser, the main antagonist and Mario, the main protagonist are in love with Peach the Ingenue. However, Peach does not share these feelings with Bowser or Mario. An example of this is in the game Super Mario Odyssey where in the ending scene Mario, the protagonist and Bowser offer Peach flowers. Peach, however, refuses both of them and leaves them behind.

    1. I love this post! I can see that your analysis might be the most accurate adaptation of this theme that I have seen. I also really like how you give examples of how Mario and Bowser are the protagonist and antagonist while Peach is the ingenue. This gives this writing much more detail and much more form. I actually enjoyed reading this.

  17. "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne." in this quote the is a type of love that cause love to be good and or bad at some points, This quote relays to Cyrano because, Cyrano wants Rozane’s love but all Roxane wants is Christian. For Cyranos love for Roxane is bittersweet. From the Simpsons, Millhouse and Lisa. Millhouse is attracted to Lisa a lot and Lisa just keeps ignoring it and telling Millhouse that she's not interested and He ends up learning over time that he was friendzoned. Lisa did not find MIllhouse attractive and since he was friends with her brother Bart, Lisa didn't feel like ruining a friendship over a small relationship. In one episode Lisa goes off because Millhouse asked her out again and she was tired of him asking and just wanted to put into his head that he was just a friend. Millhouse was very heartbroken over being friend zoned by Lisa.

    1. i agree with your analysis and I enjoy the fact that you brought up the Friend zoning in the simsons

  18. I think the quote means that love not being shared has two sides, one may be bitter when you see that person not like you/love you back which is hard but the sweetness of it is that you get to know this person that you loved to find their happiness with someone else which may also bring you joy. In Cyrano De Bergerac I believe that Cyrano does encompass this quote, throughout acts 2-3 we see him get friend-zoned and still help Christian who is trying to get with the person he loves, Roxane. Cyrano constantly throws himself into a bitter situation for him, but it's turned slightly sweet due to the fact he cares about Roxane. The example that I'm choosing is from the series “Harry Potter”, throughout this series, we see a character filled with hatred named Severious Snape. We find out that he loved Harry Potter's mother, Lily Potter. But this love wasn’t shared, and Lily got with his greatest enemy James Potter who in the books bullied Snape and for Snape to see Lily get with someone else was hard but Snape never lost his love for Lily. We eventually come to the realization that through this unrequited love, a new devotion was born, to protect Harry. Snape even though he didn't receive mutual love still chose to protect Harry Potter because he was Lily’s kid. Even though in the books and the movie we see Snape mistreat Harry, deep down he was always protecting Harry even putting his reputation and life on the line just to maintain his promise/love for Lily Potter. Adding more info, this unrequited love shaped Severiouses character, while on the outside he has a rough and vengeful side. Deep down the death of Lily holds a major emotional burden that creates a constant tension between Harry who's constantly getting into trouble and Snape. Furthermore, this love begs the question, of “Can an unfulfilled love make someone self-sacrificing, even if the actions and behavior are cruel”. Snape is a great example of this question, he sits in an area of not being good and not being evil. We know (if you read the books or watched the movies) That Snape is a death eater in the ranks of Voldemort, while his love for Lily doesn’t necessarily make him a good person, he does try and take actions to be more noble, which develops the idea of unrequited love having an affect on how people may act when blinded by love. Going a little off on the required love note. While this is heavily debated, Snape is one of the leading causes of the death of his love, Lily. Snape, while not under the realization that this could mean Harry Potter, Snape mentioned a prophecy to Voldemort about “The one with the power to Vanquish the dark lord approaches those who have Thrice to find him born. as the seventh month dies. And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not and either must die at the end of the other for neither can live while the other survives". While mentioning this to Voldemort, Snape indirectly caused the death of Lily and James Potter. Without thinking about who made the criteria, he got his love, the person he was chasing for so long killed only left the prophecy child, Harry Potter. Moreover, Snape never spoke of his love for Lily but tried to show his actions which is the opposite of Cyrano from what we have read. It's possible that if Snape said his feelings, it could have gone differently but it wasn’t the case, his unrequited love was “Silently Born”.

    1. I really liked the analysis you made between Snape and Cyrano, specifically the question "can unfulfilled love make someone self-sacrificing, even if the actions and behavior are cruel" I think this is a great question across all related themes of love being left unanswered and your connection to Harry Potter was a good example of introducing the question.

    2. Oh Tate bell where to begin... I really like the connection you made between Cyrano and Snape. There is a similar theme of suppressing their indifference towards their crush's crush and portraying their affection by assisting them in order to honor their crush, regardless of their actions, or in Snape's case, their fathers actions.

  19. Love is not always going to be returned. When you love someone but know that same love will not be reciprocated, then there is nothing that you could really do. Except stay silent and watch whatever happens with the one you love. If you watch them fall in love with someone else, that is the sweet part cause you know they are happen. But, they are not with you, that is the bitter part. In Cyrano’s case, Cyrano is in love with Roxanne but Roxanne falls in love with Christian. Cyrano thinks he has no chance but he is not going to tear down Roxanne and Christian. He still loves Roxanne and wants her to be happy. So, he helps Christian and Roxanne come together by helping Christian write his letters and even be Christian at a point. Both of the two get together which Cyrano is happy about because Roxanne is happy, that is the sweet part. However, it is not him who is with Roxanne, that is the bitter part. An example of this unrequited love is in King Kong (2005). King Kong was sacrificed women by the native tribes for many years, but when Anne comes with the movie crew, Kong immediately grew fond of this “sacrifice.” He took her and protected her from any kind of danger that came their way, like fighting three huge dinosaurs at once, and even was captured and brought to the United States because of her. He even sacrificed his life for her but she still she was terrified of him and had on interest in him at all. She just does not like monkeys.

    1. Not going to lie the best summary of king Kong for me since its been awhile since I've seen the movie and I think it's ironic that a big monkey fell in love with someone smaller than him.

    2. ej I love how you phrased the context of love into a simple way, and I really liked how you smoothly introduced the example into the text. so inspired by what you did ;)

    3. I like your definition of the quote, and I think your reference to King Kong is unique and interesting.

  20. This was years ago, but when I was friend zoned, it was a conversation that turned into a weird talk about crushes, but I wasn't going to tell them, “Hey, I like you.” I was just hearing them out on how they feel about their crushes, and she used me as an example and said, “You're like a brother to me,” and at that point I was left speechless and we continued the conversation.

    1. This is a good example of being friend zoned but I am curious of your direct interpretation of the quote and its ties between your personal situation and Cyrano's.

    2. to reply back thank you for bringing this up to my attention.

      "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne.” I can connect some pieces to this into my life or how I went through what Cyrano is going through right now. A little thing would be how Roxanne is talking about how she’s in love with Christian even though they never talked to each other, and before that she was listing off all of his features while Cyrano was just listening and knowing he didn't have any of those while she was talking. And how this connects to my story also is how I was just listening to her talk about her standards and what she wants her “perfect man” to be while listing off features that I didn't have.

    3. this is a good example and very similar to Cyrano but instead of sibling dynamic its a cousin that Roxane has known and loved as family since childhood.

    4. That must have been a tough moment, hearing those words when you had feelings for her. It’s hard to process something like that, especially when you're left speechless and have to carry on with the conversation. It really captures that awkward, bittersweet side of unrequited feelings

  21. The theme of “unrequited love” explains that some people may love others but hide it because they feel unworthy or fear the other person/familiar does not feel the same way. This directly relates to Cyrano’s feelings towards Roxane because he believes that his appearance is not worthy of the love that Roxane has to offer. He says “Me with this nose of mine that marches on Before me by a quarter of an hour! Whom should I love?” (Rostand, pg. 48). Cyrano is explaining that he feels as though his nose ruins every first impression of him that women might have.
    In the past I have been “Friend-Zoned”. Only a few years ago I had been texting this girl that I had met a few months earlier. I stated my interests in her but she responded with how she did not think of me in the same way and that she was not very interested in a relationship with me. The funny thing about this story is that upon talking to one of my friends I found out that she had had a small interest in me but the second I told her my interest she stopped having those feelings. I have always wondered if that was just something my friend told me as a joke or if it was really what happened. I have also wondered why, if even possible, someone would lose interest in another over having mutual/matching feelings.

    1. Jett, I really appreciate your use of a complementary quote to further show your point, and I found your focus on feelings of unworthiness very intriguing as it's a gap in my own writing. In regards to your experience with being friend-zoned, I would say that at least you know that this girl is not someone who could manage being in a healthy relationship with you, as this affection was very likely surface level and she did not truly appreciate you if it could be so fickle, as genuine love comes from understanding a person and a desire to grow closer is found, not further.

    2. Don't mind my mistake after you posted this whoops.

      Honestly this is crazy that something like this happened because how do you lose interest in someone who actually almost had the same mutual feelings like you said.

    3. I find your explanation of the quote to be very insightful. I like how you used evidence with context to help explain how and why Cyrano feels insecure about his appearance, and therefore is much less inclined to go after Roxane in seeking a relationship.

      Also, Jett, I'm sorry you had someone reject you in such a way. It's extra hard when you learn someone was interested in you and then lost those feelings once you told them about your feelings for them. I also wonder why and how someone might lose mutual interest.

  22. Honestly this is crazy that something like this happened because how do you lose interest in someone who actually almost had the same mutual feelings like you said.

  23. To me, this quote means that those who know that their love is not reciprocated will often maintain complete silence about their feelings to maintain their current relationship with the person that they admire, and often a sense of meaning and pride is attached to this unresolved situation to help console themselves. In the case of Cyrano, it relates to his two most bombastic traits shown within the play, his pride as a Gascon and his love for Roxane. Cyrano attaches these two facets of his identity, refusing to accept his cowardice in not revealing his affection towards Roxane and insisting to himself and others that it is a noble thing to do. My experience being “friendzoned” is a complicated affair as no official friendzoning occurred. Years of misunderstanding, mixed messages, and false hopes ended when a friend of hers finally confirmed that my affection was not reciprocated, ending a saga in the making since 7th grade.

    1. I like how you connected Cyrano's pride as a Gascon with his love for Roxane and how they are now kind of the same entity. Also I agree in than Cyrano is kind of blinded by his own insecurity and masking it as something noble.

    2. I agree with your assessment of the quote. There is a silence of feelings often because the person doesn't want to rock the boat with the person that they are falling in love with. I also like your assessment of Cyrano, and connecting back to what you said, there is probably some pride tied to why he is not telling Roxane that he is in love with her. Also, good job on being brave and sharing your own experience.

  24. I really like how you analyzed the theme here. It may not mirror my adaptation but it does give a very good justification for why you chose that quote. I also find it fun and interesting to hear about different times people have been "friend zoned" within media because it gives me an insight to how other students, such as you, view and see different pieces of media.

  25. The quote “bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne” means that you can love and care for someone so much silently and they would never know. This quote relates “Cyrano De Bergerac” to the character Cyrano because he helps Roxane and Christian fall in love with each other all while he has great feelings for Roxane. Cyrano believes he needs to be silent because her eyes are only on Christian. This quote also relates to the movie, 10 Things I Hate About You, Cameron joins a new school, sees this girl, and falls for her. All while Cameron is trying to get her attention she has her eyes on Joey. Cameron does everything he can to try to be with Bianca. He heard she needed a tutor for French so he learned it so he could teach her himself. Throughout the lesson, he tries to ask her on a date. In the end, she friend-zones him to be with Joey. This scene shows how you can do everything for a person and sometimes it will never be enough to win their love when they already have their eyes on what they want.

    1. I like your analysis on the movie 10 things I hate about you and your input on Cyrano and Roxane.

    2. I enjoy how you analyzed the quote explaining how "you can love and care for someone so much silently and they would never know." Your analysis for the quote really connects to your reasoning to why you believe that this quote relates to Cyrano De Bergerac. I also enjoy the example you stated and I do agree that this example goes with the quote.

    3. Your analysis was well said on how the bittersweet theme relates to Cyrano's perspective. In addition, your example on 10 Things I hate about you is said very clear how anyone can give someone the world and will receive nothing in return.

  26. The quote captures the central theme of Cyrano. Cyrano hides his deep feelings for Roxane because of his insecurities about his appearance. Cyrano keeps the pain silent when he agrees to help Christian win over Roxane without telling the truth. The bittersweet theme reflects Cyrano’s character - noble spirit, poetic soul, and inner conflict - while also continuing the plot and exploring the tension between inner beauty and outer beauty. In “The Great Gatsby”, Jay Gatsby is an example of being “friend zoned” through his unrequited love for Daisy Buchanan. Even though Gatsby tried to win her back for years with his wealth and status, Daisy still chose her husband. Gatsby’s determination, even after being rejected, leads to his downfall which illustrates the potential unrequited love has to destroy things, and its impact on life choices.

    1. I agree with this I like how you used the Great Gatsby for the example of Friend-Zoned and after everything Gatsby went through trying to win that love back it wasn't enough and that's just shocking.

  27. I like how you used Phineas and Ferb as the scene you picked for the friend-zone i agree with it Phineas is truly clueless to Isbaelle's feelings and affection he see's her as one of the friends in the neighborhood.

  28. “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne” this means that sometimes unrecognized love can be sweet, however it can get repetitive or bitter because the person can not properly express how they feel. And even when they do it can't always go well. It connects to Cyrano because he knows that his self esteem and outward appearance would be a hindrance towards a potential future with him and Roxane. For now he can only watch Christian swoon Roxane with the words and mannerisms that Cyrano himself gave him to use. Another media example comes from “Pride and Prejudice”, when Mr. Collins confesses his love to Elizabeth and asks her to marry him. She has no interest in Mr Collins, she considers him an imbecile. We learn that Elizabeth is not going to marry someone if she doesn't love them. Which is kind of funny considering that Mr Collins could not comprehend why he would be rejected, he's too full of himself.

    1. This response goes super hard. Firstly, a Pride and Prejudice reference is always great to see. Peak literature- justice for Mr. Collins, etc etc. However, my main interest is in your point about unrequited love becoming repetitive after a while. No-one really seems to point out how frustrating it can get being so close yet so far away all the time; most people focus on the sadness or heartache from such a dilemma.

      Seriously, imagine how Cyrano must feel whenever Roxane rushes up to hug him and get all sappy on him every single act- only to give him a backhanded compliment and say he's her friend?

  29. “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne." It means love is sweet and bitter like for Cyrano he loves Roxane truly loves her but she doesn’t feel the same for him she loves someone else and that hurts him that's where the bitterness comes from and his love for her grows in silence since he isn’t confident nor brave enough to tell her how he feels and he’s noble enough selfless enough to help Roxane and Christain get together because her happiness is much more important than his and because he thinks Roxane doesn’t deserve someone that looks like him. For the friend-zone scene i picked Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls because he is in love with Wendy but she is older than him and when Dipper confesses to her she tells him she is just to old for him but their still good friends.

    1. I really like how you explained the quote and connected it to the story. For your example you chose I believe that this is a perfect example of the friend zone but Dipper had more courage to confess his feelings than Cyrano but end the end he still got friend zoned.

  30. “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne.” Base on this quote, not telling someone you like them due to the fact that you know they don’t like you back is a very selfless thing to do. In the beginning of the quote, bittersweet is shown in the play of Cyrano de Bergerac. Its “sweet” for Cyrano to see that his love, Roxane has found someone who she can love, but it’s “bitter” for him because he still loves Roxane, he just knows that she doesn’t love him back. This relates to Cyrano because he is being very selfless when it comes to his love for Roxane. He is helping Chrisitan to win over Roxane rather than trying to make Roxane love him. This shows a lot of selflessness and proves how this quote relates to Cyrano. An example of this situation is from The Office. Jim is in love with Pam but through out the beginning of the series Pam is with Roy. Jim relates to this quote and shows a lot of selflessness because he knew that Pam at the time only saw him as a work friend. Despite knowing all of this, he still helps Pam when it comes to problems with Roy. Jim demonstrates “bittersweet” because he’s happy for Pam that she is happy in a relationship even though its not with him. But, it hurts him to know that Pam will never feel the same way as he does for her.

    1. I like how you related these two pieces because it really connects to how Cyrano just wants Roxane to be happy no matter if its hurting him.

    2. I like how you used The office as your example because it really does relate to Cyrano and how he just wants to see Roxane happy just like Jim with pam

    3. I like your analysis on Cyrano, you said he's being very selfless when it comes to his love for Roxane and how you related it to Jim and Pam.

    4. Your analysis of how the quote connects back to Cyrano's character is very good. You highlight all the key points on how Cyrano is selfless and sweet to help Roxane out yet also bitter for him. You also use a very good example that connects back to how Cyrano feels.

  31. “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne.” I believe this quote means the admirer chooses to keep their love that is not reciprocated back or one-sided anonymous because they feel their love is irrelevant to their beloved one. This relates to Cyrano as a character and as a play because Cyrano believed his beloved Roxane has friend-zoned him but he has only done it to himself. Roxane is unaware of Cyrano's deep affection for her; she innocently rejects him when she describes her love Christian. Cyrano believes his strong feelings for her are irrelevant because of his insecurities. This not only shows Cyrano as a character but also creates a theme in the play. Another example of this is Cameron and Bianca in the movie “10 things I hate about you”. Cameron deeply admires Bianca but she tells him she is only allowed to date if her older sister Kat does, Cameron goes through struggles finding a boy to date Kat to only realize Bianca likes someone else and she only sees him as a friend.

    1. I would prefer more detail on the example you are making. It is better to have more detail than needed rather than less.

  32. The word “friendzone” is not necessarily always a bad thing, could mean that the friendship you have right now is too good to break and possibly never have that friendship again. Or it could mean that they don't have the same mutual feelings as you do. In Cyrano you see how he is madly in love with Roxane but she doesn't feel the same way as he does, that would be considered a “friend-zoned relationship. But roxane does not intend on hurting him, she is blind from it because she is in love with someone else. The most famous friendzone i can think of is when forest gump is in love with jenny but she doesn't feel the same way but they continue to still be great friends, until later in the movie she realizes that she actually is in love with forest but was just to blind to see it.

    1. Christian VillalpandoSeptember 12, 2024 at 7:57 PM

      The analysis could use some work since you didn't mention unrequited love which will confuse the reader about the prompt you were given, and it could be longer

  33. The quote "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne." from Cyrano de Bergerac is used to convey Cyrano’s thought process when professing his love for Roxane while posing as Christian. The Quote means that the act of unshared love is usually born of good intent, which makes it bittersweet because though the feelings are genuine and of good intent, they are never relayed to the valued individual. This relates to Cyrano’s Character since this is exactly what he does, but he does profess his feelings, though he cannot reap the full reward of his exquisite use of language since he's posing as Christian. He then explains that though his love isn't reciprocated and she will never know the extent of his love for her, he still can profess his feelings to her, which is the bitter-sweet side of the quote. I do have a similar example, though it is not my own, but of an acquaintance who doesn't go to this school. My friend had these feelings for someone and they would constantly proclaim how this person was many good things, but a little while after they first started speaking of said individual, they asked for advice on how to approach the person. My friends and I gave pointers and told them to simply be themselves. The next day they got in a group call and told us what happened, they'd been friend-zoned, told that they simply didn't have the same feelings which left my friend heartbroken, though they said they understood, and to be fair they took that emotional hit very well. By the way, this was several years ago so no secrets are being shared.

    1. Your description of the quote was really and that example of your friend being caught in the friend zone is really depressing, but overall a great example!

  34. I like the way you phrased your analysis of the quote and its meaning.

  35. “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly born” this quote means that the idea of love is truly earned not by looks, and gifts. But is instead earned nobly with true affection and love for the other. This relates to Cyrano as throughout the story we see him making many attempts to show his love to Roxane with words and things she likes, but she is yet to give into his hints because he is being silent about his emotions. A good example of this “friendzone” is seen in the cartoon “Gravity falls” with the characters Dipper Pines and Wendy Blerble. Throughout the cartoon it is very clear that Dipper (a 12 year old staying with his uncle for the holidays) is in love with the attractive Wendy Blerble (a 15 year old working part time for Dipper’s uncle) and tries to impress her whenever he can with things like his strength, manliness, and things that he thinks she would like. Doing it all in hopes to earn her love silently and without having to ask her. until later on in S02E02 “ into the bunker” Dipper finally expresses his feelings to Wendy at an underground bunker when he thinks she is dead, but gets turned down because Wendy believes, as she states, “Im too told for you” showing that like Cyrano dipper tries to impress Wendy with things she likes and does everything he can to show his love while being silent, but gets turned at the end even though he tried to earn the love nobly.

    1. This is a great example, especially since Cyrano and Dipper have similar character types, they are both very smart, and are both very much in unrequited love. As well as a Christian type character, in Gravity Falls, his name is Robbie. Dipper Goes out of his way to help Robbie in certain situations, nobly, similar to how Cyrano help Christian.

    2. I haven't watched Gravity Falls but when it comes to the connections and expanations it does a good job at showing how love can't be taken at face value it's a true affection that can't be replaced by stuff and Looks.

    3. The Gravity Falls example with Dipper and Wendy is a good choice. It shows how Dipper like Cyrano tries to impress someone without directly saying how he feels. Your comparison makes it clear how both characters deal with unrequited love. Great job!

  36. comment above was by Wyatt Morris

  37. "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne” is a sort of convoluted quote. However, I think it is referring to unrequited love being created from someone’s own sense of nobility and honor, as we see in Cyrano de Bergerac with Cyrano and Roxane. Roxane loves Christian rather than Cyrano, and Cyrano loves her, but his sense of honor gets in the way when he helps Christian court Roxane. What I mean by that is, instead of going for a relationship with Roxane despite her not loving him like he loves her, he leaves it to Christian because he finds that trying to court Roxane himself would be selfish of him. Roxane sees Cyrano as a friend and sort of brother-figure. The quote, “Roxane: Are you, I wonder, still the same Big brother—almost—that you used to be When we were children…” (Rostand 71) is evidence of this.

    I have been friend-zoned many times. The one that most affected me was when I was desperate to find someone who actually loved me. I asked him out, and he said that we could be friends. I was fine with that, though. I accepted it. I wanted to be his friend, sure. That’s cool. But after about two weeks of leading me on and pretending to be friends with me, he dropped all contact with me and ghosted me. So I got friend-zoned and then I got… acquaintance-zoned.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm glad to see someone else interpreting the quote in relation to Cyrano in a similar manner to myself. That nobility, I think, is the most important part of the quote. Nobility is everything to Cyrano, even if it hurts him- and this whole Dilemma is evidence of that.

      As for yourself, I can understand the heartache a situation like that can cause. I don't know how soon this was, but I'm willing to bet that even if they loved you back then you wouldn't deserve him. You're epic; he ghosted you. That's not something a good person does- it wasn't for his safety- he was just a dong. If you want to start a support I'm down.

    3. I like that we had dissimilar interpretations of the quote, and I think you are more correct than I. Sorry about the friend-zone situation, sounds baddd. Your analysis of Cyrano's honor and nobility affecting his interactions with Roxane and Christian makes me think more about what I read in the story.

    4. Jacob McCombs-Zepeda^^^^^^^


  38. The quote means that when someone loves unrequitedly, they must continue their lives without being upset. This relates to Cyrano the character because when he loves Roxane unrequitedly, he does the noble thing and aids Christian with wooing Roxane. It relates to the play because of the overarching themes of unrequited love for many characters, Cyrano’s unrequited love for Roxane, De Guiche’s unrequited love for Roxane, and Raguenau’s unrequited love for Lise. An example of someone being “friend zoned” from another piece of media is when Kai Cenat, a Brooklyn live streamer, got friend zoned by popular Jamaican artist Tyla. During a live Stream of Kai Cenat’s house in Brooklyn, he asks Tyla if she would go on a date with him, she replies “We friends tho” which of course is slang for “You and I are just friends and I would not like to go on a date with you”. This all occurred in late May of 2024, however in August of 2024, rumors on X, previously known as Twitter, have surfaced, in which Tyla has an unknown boyfriend. In a certain way, Cyrano is just like Kai Cenat in that he too had an unrequited love all the meanwhile, the girl he was after, had someone else in mind. Cyrano is the Kai Cenat to Roxane’s Tyla.

  39. I believe the quote "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne" refers to how the theme of unrequited love came to be, and why it can be empathised with by a lot of people. Unrequited love can come in many forms, the most obvious being the friend-zone. Unrequited love can be a place of silence, with the beloved simply unaware of how the lover sees them. Alternatively, Unrequited love can come from a place of rejection: the beloved knowing of how the lover feels and actively choosing to dismiss their feelings. This rejection too, can come in several forms. This, I believe, is what the quote means by ‘silently and nobly borne.’ By definition, if one’s love is unrequited then it either comes from a place of rejection or ignorance, or in Rostand’s words, a place of silence or nobility. Even then, nobility can be interpreted as an entirely different- subcategory of unrequited love. While I believe that nobility can be interpreted as being straightforward with one’s feelings (though ultimately being rejected regardless,) nobility could also refer to the worst form of unrequited love. If the beloved is in love with- or worse still- in a relationship with another person than the lover, then nobility could be referring to the lover putting their feelings aside for the sake of the beloved.

    This exact scenario is what Cyrano goes through- and why I believe the first part of the quote is in reference to Cyrano’s dilemma specifically. It’s bittersweet for Cyrano specifically- as while Roxane is in love with Christian, she is only in love with Christian because of his actions. It shows that Cyrano could have been with the person he loves most in another world, which is both a wonderful and painful thing to know (hence the term bittersweet.)

    As for an example of the friend-zone, I need to look no further than my own personal life. In order to respect their privacy, as well as any potential embarrassment for us both- especially for their sake, I will not name them, but I am currently in love with someone who is currently aromantic. I often find myself relating to the funny nose man quite a bit, as we share quite a few similarities in that regard. I suppose the best way to gauge our relationship is that we are at the awkward bestie stage, though I see no clear shift in that dynamic any time soon. I can relate to the quote too, as I often have to correct my behaviour or language for their sake. I love them, but I will put their comfort first. I think that, alongside the aforementioned funny nose man, represents the quote exactly.

  40. The quote "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne" means that one sided love, while hurtful, is rather selfless and honorable as you choose not to tell the other person and it is rather tedious to love someone who won't give you the time of day. This relates to Cyrano as a character as it perfectly describes the situation he is in. He tirelessly helps the romance between Christian and Roxane despite his own personal feelings for Roxane. He wishes nothing but the best for her and this is most evident when he delays De Guiche so that Roxane and Christian can be married. This relates to Cyrano as a play as unrequited love is the biggest driver in the story in terms of theme, it is constantly surrounding Cyrano and it is what drives him forward. One example of a "Friend Zone" is in the movie "Hunchback of Notre Dame" in which Quasimodo is in love with a character named Esmerelda. Quasimodo saves Esmerelda from the villain of the story and they bond closely however she is not in love with him and even goes as far as crying about it afterwards. He wasn't friendzoned in a typical way as he was rather indirectly friendzoned as its likely Esmerelda had no idea of Quasimodos feelings.

  41. This is a great example of unrequited love, in the rest of the TV show, Phineas is always so busy and consumed by his adventures. In a certain way, when Roxane indirectly rejects Cyrano for Christian, Phineas indirectly rejects Isabella for the feeling of invention and adventure. Although invention and adventure is more of a theme, even Candace, Phinea's older sister from the show personafies the adventure and describes at an unexplicabl and mysterious force, that always hides any trace of an adventure taking place, right before Phineas and Ferb might get in trouble.

  42. I like your example of Phineas and Ferb, showing Isabella, like Cyrano. Silently endures unfulfilled love despite constantly displaying her feelings for him and being friend-zoned in return.

  43. ^^ "I like your example of Phineas and Ferb, showing Isabella, like Cyrano. Silently endures unfulfilled love despite constantly displaying her feelings for him and being friend-zoned in return."
    made by me David Jimenez

  44. I do appreciate your connection between your example and Cyrano's situation at the end. I also appreciate that your analysis is differing from mine, I like that idea that nobility (dignity and strength) is what fuels love after one realizes the person does not feel the same about you.

  45. I like your example of Regular Show (hmm hmm) with Mordecai and Margaret, an example of friend-zoning because it applies how, similar to Cyrano's predicament, may prevent the development of love, even when the feelings are present.

  46. The quote "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne." means that commonly in media and in real life, unrequited love develops on the basis that the person doesn’t act on their feelings and instead lets it dwell inside. There are many reasons why this happens but this specific quote focuses on the suppressing of feelings in an act of selflessness and respect for the recipient. This is similar to Cyrano’s situation because though he has loved Roxane a long time, he keeps it hidden. When it is revealed that Roxane likes Christian, he nobly swallows his pride and helps Christian instead of competing with him because he values Roxane’s feelings over his own. Another piece of media that thoroughly portrays unrequited love is in Game of Thrones between Jorah Mormont and Daenerys Targaryen. Jorah stood alongside Daenerys from the very beginning out of love and watched as she married herself off to another man. He knew that he could not provide her a powerful enough position for her to achieve her goals, so he sat by, assisting her in every other way possible, rather than professing his love.

    1. Your analysis on Cyrano's situation is very detailed and connects to your example. Cyrano's situation is very similar to Jorah and Daenerys relationship, Jorah will assist her in any way possible in order for her to achieve her goals. Same with Cyrano, he will do anything for Roxane as long as she is happy. Overall showing how much he cares for her.

  47. "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne." This quote means that love is either good or bad meaning you either get it or not, as being in love with someone is not always mutual, and even if you like a person that person doesn’t have to like you back; I think this quote relates to Cyrano as he has an unrequited love and for the silently and noble I believe it relates to Cyrano since he accepts it quietly as he doesn't even mention a word about it, and instead of telling Roxane his feelings he shows nobility, loyalty and bravery by helping his friend Christian to get the win over Roxane.

    An example of unrequited love can be seen in the TV show “Suites” as you can see how Donna who is Harvey’s secretary, her whole world revolves around Harvey to a point where she can't hold a solid relationship with anyone else because she is too busy working for Harvey or getting him out of trouble. Still, across the show, you can see that when she tries to make a move on Harvey he stops her before she even gets to say a word and reminds her that they only have a professional relationship and that it is best for them to keep it professional friend-zoning her which is a great example of the quote as she accepts it silently and "move on".

  48. I agree with you and I like how you made the connection between how Cyrano and Finn experience that same pain of being friendzoned, and it shows how painful it is to love someone who doesn't feel the same way, but also how that love can still be noble.

  49. "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne." Cyrano's affection for the bittersweet is rooted in his complex emotions and experiences, reflecting a deep appreciation for the beauty found in both joy and sorrow. Love can be perceived as either positive or negative, indicating that it is a matter of personal experience. Being in love is not always reciprocated, and even if you have feelings for someone, they may not necessarily feel the same way about you. They can either like you or not. Cyrano experiences unrequited love, and his silent nobility is evident as he quietly accepts his feelings without voicing them. Rather than confessing his love to Roxane, he demonstrates his loyalty and bravery by assisting his friend Christian in winning her heart.

    An example of unrequited love can be seen in Teen Titans Go with Robin and Starfire. In any episode Robin would try to give Starfire a hint that he likes her. Although she knows that he likes her, she's not mean about it but gives him a hint that she doesn't like him. In episode "Sandwich Thief", Robins asks Starfire questions if she stole the legendary sandwich. After he was done he asked Starfire if she loved him which she lied about. She didn't want to hurt his feelings, then he comes back again telling her if she can learn to love him. She said no. There's also different episodes with Starfire crushing on Speedy or Kid Flash. In the end she has never showed interest or had a crush on Robin. She does care about Robin as her friend. In "Ghostboy", Robin's death was the only death out of all the Titans that made Starfire tear up, showing that Starfire really cares for him.

  50. “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne” is talking about the kind of love that someone cannot share because of the knowledge that the other person cant love them back hence the silently. Being nobly borne is referring to why exactly two people may not be together, their status of nobility. This relates to Cyrano because as Roxane friend zones him unintentionally Roxane expresses how she feels about class and nobility, her status is worth so much to her and in result Cyrano becomes silent of his love towards her thinking his status is not worth Roxane’s time. A piece of media I have seen that involved friend-zoning is in 10 things I hate about you. When Cameron Played by Joseph Levitt is friendzoned by Bianca played by Larisa Oleynik because she is in love with another man. Just like Cyrano and Roxane, Bianca is naive at the fact that Cameron likes her and ultimately “friendzoned” him as a result of Cameron trying to help Bianca with this man. Understanding and accepting the friendzone and helping Bianca out anyway demonstrates how much Cameron cares for Bianca.

    1. Your analysis of the quote is really good. The idea of Cyrano's silent, noble love due to his status and the comparison you made on Cameron in 10 Things I Hate About You, really shows how both characters show deep care even though they are friend-zoned.

    2. I really like your quote analysis, especially when you mention how Roxane values class and nobility since that is something that comes to light more and more about her character as the play continues. Your example is also very good since it connects very well to what Cyrano is experiencing in the play.

  51. This quote means that your love can be very deep and true for someone that you would do anything for them. Even if that means letting them go and be in love with someone else and this is where the noble part of it plays in. This quote strongly relates to Cyrano because he is a very noble person and even though he has very strong feelings for Roxane and loves her very deeply he will help her win over someone he knows she truly loves (Christian). This proves how unrequited his love is for roxane and just truly shows how noble and selfless he is to do that for her. An example I thought of for friend zoning in the media is from the show "Miraculous tales of ladybug and cat noir" season 3 episode 20 "the puppeteer". In this scene adrian is in the car with marinette after she had tried to kiss him but played it off as a prank. Marinette is obviously embaressd by this because she is in love with Adrian so Adrian apologizes to Marinette for the awkward situation he put her in and she says its okay and that they shouldn't play jokes like that anymore. After that is said Adrian says he is glad they could be friends and agrees that they shouldn't joke like that and that the girl he is in love with doesn't like them either. This statement obviously hurts Marinette and Adrian is confused.

    1. I like your deep analysis when you talk about Cyrano because he is a very noble, honorable and a character with major knowledge since he has fought and stood up for himself, has helped another man win over the woman he loves and has a strong sense in his poetry

    2. Christian Villalpando ^^^^

  52. The quote ¨The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne.¨ when broken down means the sadness found is happiness in love that is not returned is not said out loud and the sadness part of the feelings are held silently. This greatly appies to Cyrano; In act 4 of Cyrano De Bergerac, we see towards the end how Cyrano pours his heart out and only for Roxan to believe those words came from Christian yet he chooses to not say that it was really him that said all those words. A personal experience I had relating to being friend zoned was simply me giving little paper origami things and the other person saying that they didn't like me in that way.

  53. Christian VillalpandoSeptember 12, 2024 at 7:45 PM

    "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne" this quote means that unrequited love is where the affectionate and loving emotions by one individual isn't shown by the other individual and it is a painful experience they have carry that with self-respect. This quote relates to Cyrano majorly because Cyrano loves Roxane romantically and she loves him as a sibling. He is doubtful of himself telling Roxane his love because he's fearful of her reaction and rejection. Instead, he hides it and helps another man fall in love with her because he endures the "bittersweet theme of unrequited love" and with honor serves Roxane her desire to be with a different man.

    An example of unrequited love plays in a show called "The Flash" where the pilot of the show starts off with the starring character being "Barry Allen" where he plays the role of a forensic scientist in law enforcement with his stepfather "Joe" and happens to be in love his daughter. Barry was taken in as little boy by the stepfather because his father was framed for murdering his mother and lived with his daughter named Iris. Barry and Iris have been best friends since they met and always had a bond like they brother and sisters. As they turned adults, Barry has been loving her since they were children, but Iris has been oblivious, and Joe silently knew but opened up to Barry and encouraged him. Iris later on got together with a detective and Barry had to live with the unrequited love but also was nobly borne because he encouraged her to tell her relationship to her father, recorded an anniversary film for the detective and saved his life.

  54. "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne." To me this quote means that the feeling of unrequited love is both beautiful and painful. What I mean by this is in unrequited love one experiences all the joys of love but is also destined to have their love ultimately rejected and set aside leaving them hurt. This is seen in Cyrano as he pursues a relationship with Roxane and struggles over how to express his love while simultaneously helping Christian and Roxane achieve a happy relationship. An example of this is Milhouse from the Simpsons. Milhouse has feelings for Lisa but she rejects him multiple times. She does not find him attractive as well Milhouse being friends with her brother culminates together to cause her to friend zone Milhouse.

  55. I like the way you split up the quote into 2 parts to explain it. I also agree with you on your interpretation of the quote.

  56. “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne.” I think the quote describes unrequited love as bittersweet since the person experiencing it may feel disappointment and an unpleasant emotion due to the lack of reciprocity, which would be the bitter part. However, this situation can also be sweet, as that rejection may not be entirely bad for this person. Taking Cyrano as an example, we can see how he helps Christian with respect to Roxane despite loving her himself. This demonstrates his desire for her happiness. In addition to this, Cyrano’s decision to keep his feelings secret shows how he expresses his love in silence.

    1. Great quote. In order to improve your comment I would either choose a different example to tie into it or put even more detail than you did the last. Explain the scene and the factors contributing into it.

  57. The quote, “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne” refers to how unrequited love is never expressed to or acknowledged by the person whose feelings aren't reciprocated. In the play, Cyrano de Bergerac, the main character Cyrano experiences this theme of unrequited love between him and a childhood friend, Roxane. Cyrano has always been in love with Roxane but is unable to express it to her because she is in love with someone else. His noble character prevents himself from expressing his feelings out of regard for Roxane. An example of this in media would be the novel Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen. The main character Juli Baker immediately falls for her new neighbor, Bryce Loski, but when she approaches him he runs away and wants nothing to do with her. Juli is very persistent when it comes to Bryce, but he never once acknowledges her feelings for him and tries his best to keep their interactions at a minimum. Even though this is not necessarily a “friend-zone”, I still believe it connects to the theme of unrequited love because Bryce is choosing not to acknowledge Juli’s feelings despite her pertinacious character.

    1. I really like your example from flipped, while they don't have the same kind of friend-zoning, I think we have the potential to see a similar ending with the two, where Roxane realizes Cyrano is the one she loves just as Bryce realized the same about juli.

  58. I interpret the quote “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne” as unrequited love is held only in hearts because of selflessness or insecurity, because either one does not want to burden their lover, or because one is too self conscious to admit it out loud. This relates to Cyrano as he is the embodiment of this quote. Cyrano relates to both the silent and noble part of the quote, he loves Roxane, but she does not know, and he helps Christian win Roxane over. He is silently in love with Roxane, but does not say anything because of her admittance to loving Christian. Cyrano even goes as far as to write letters of poetry to Roxane for Christian to help him win her over, showing he expresses the noble part of the quote. An example of this in media is in The Great Gatsby, where Gatsby is in love with Daisy, but she does not know it. Gatsby specifically buys a mansion in the same area as Daisy to be closer to her and attract her attention.

  59. “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly born”. I believe that the quote in question is detailing the slippery slope of a friend zone. Cyrano doesn’t have the heart to tell Roxane his feelings to her even when he is madly in love and because of it, Roxane ends up liking Christian first. The thought of Roxane liking Christian is enough for him to stop pursuing her because he knows she won’t give the same feelings back to him, perpetually being stuck in a friend zone. In the movie adaptation of “Pride and Prejudice”, Mr. Collins goes to the estate of Elizabeth in search of finding a woman to marry in the household. As the whole family sat down for their breakfast Mr. Collins comes by the table and asks for the private audience of Elizabeth. Much to the dismay of Elizabeth the whole family leaves her in the room with just Mr. Collins. Mr. Collins then hands her a flower and explains to her why marrying him would be both beneficial to her wealth wise but for his happiness also. He keeps vehemently explaining to Elizabeth why it would be very beneficial, showing just how much Mr. Collins wanted her to be his newly wed. After being rejected by Elizabeth and her fleeing the room, it is then flooded with her siblings laughing at him for being humiliated. He then leaves the house, never wanting to return after the brutal encounter with the family.

  60. The quote, “ The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne” means when someone isn't sharing the same feelings back to someone, love isn't being shared back in this instance. This relates to Cyrano because he is sharing lots of emotion, specifically “Love” towards Roxane, writing her letters and expressing the way he feels, but speaking as Christian due to Roxane requesting letters from Christian. Roxane loves the letters she gets from Christian but doesn't know that they're Cyrano’s words. (Page 124) It says ‘Let me Enjoy, The one moment I ever–my one chance To speak to you…. Unseen!”
    Cyrano hiding in the shadows is the only moment he can express his feelings towards Roxane that close.
    In the movie Forrest Gump there's a perfect example of the friend zone. Forrest Gump has a love for his friend Jenny. Jenny had a difficult life during her childhood. She also viewed men as only wanting benefits from women. Jenny wasn't mature then, and didn't realize how mentally pure, innocent, and different Forest was. Due to her childhood trauma that made her life difficult, she recognized all his efforts and didn't want Forrest to suffer from the same suffering.

    1. I like how you used the theme "love" to relate the bittersweet theme to Cyrano de Bergerac. Your example sounds clear on how Jenny felt about men causing her to not fall in love easily because of her personal trauma.

  61. The quote “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne” describes how unrequited love holds some beauty to it, yet it also simultaneously has sadness to it due to it only being one-sided and the person who receives this one-sided love must deal with it in a silently and graciously. For instance, when watching the play in class, when Cyrano is pretending to be Christian, an important detail that I enjoyed seeing was the tears that rolled down Cyrano's face as he spoke out to Roxane. I feel like adding those tears correlates to the feeling of unrequited love. Here, Cyrano is preaching his love to Roxane, yet it is one-sided because Roxane is under the impression that it is Christian speaking out his love to her. So, all Cyrano can do is graciously and silently accept the fact that Roxane loves Christian. A media example of friend-zoning would be Aang and Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender. In season 1, episode 14, Aang makes a necklace for Katara due to hers getting taken from her, once she puts the necklace on, she asks Aang how it looks on her, and he responds that she looks great with it. Katara’s brother Sokka from the water comments on how Aang is in love. To that comment, Katara responds by denying said statement and says, “ Stop teasing him, Sokka. Aang is just a good friend.” Which leaves Aang feeling disappointed and sad.

    1. I really like your correlation of the quote to the balcony scene itself; I agree that the tears emulate the unrequited love Cyrano has for Roxane. Overall, I like your analysis and the media you chose to relate it back to!!

  62. "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne." Means to love someone who does not share feelings back such as being friend-zoned even though their feelings. It's a big part of Cyrano de Bergerac, the main character Cyrano has a love for Roxane that Roxane does not share with him. Roxane thinks of Cyrano as a childhood friend, and this leads Cyrano to be obsessive and go into other methods to express his feelings to her like how Cyrano gives Christian a letter to help Christian get Roxane. But giving letters is also Cyranos selfish way of expressing how he feels just through Christian.
    Another example is The Great Gatsby where Gatsby goes through huge parties to try and get Daisy back after she finds someone else as a replacement as Gatsby was sent to war later Gatsby comes back and finds that Daisy has moved on in the end, the two characters fall in love but it didn’t come without there own struggles as daisy had already moved on, it wasn’t till later it worked out.

    1. i don't think the great Gatsby necessarily represents that since he didn't really get friend zoned cause she was interested as soon as she realized who gatsby was

  63. The quote “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne.” is representing that love has more than 1 perspective. People might have negative or positive views about love and it's all from personal experience. In Cyrano de Bergerac the bittersweet theme is seen when Roxane was confessing her love to Cyrano about Christian. Cyrano was heartbroken to hear about Roxane’s thoughts about Christian especially when she mentioned his looks. Moreover, another example is seen in Love Island season 6 with Serena and Kordell. Serena and Kordell are paired up to get to know each other better, but as Serena talks to him she notices how he doesn’t seem to give an opinion on what he thinks about her conversations. This easily turns down Serena’s feelings for Kordell and tells him she wants to meet other people. Kordell is unsure how to feel since he thought they were going on a good path together.

    1. I like how you explored different perspectives of love, specifically the way you connected Cyrano De Bergerac's heartbreak to Love island. Its fascinating how unrequited love can be relatable and emotional to people.

  64. I agree with you on the pain characters can experience due to an unrequited love. Also, the connection made Between Finn and Cyrano helps to explain how that situation can affect people and the emotions that often go along with it.

  65. I like how you connected Cyrano de Bergerac to a modern example like Adventure Time . Having connections between different media really helps a deeper understanding of the theme. Especially how both Cyrano and Finn process this pain of loving someone who doesn't love them back.

  66. The quote "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne" means that if you love someone who doesn't love you back is painful but to choose to carry that pain without showing it in honor. An example is Cyrano from Cyrano de Bergerac. He loves Roxane but knows she doesn’t love him back because of his appearance. Cyrano helps Christian who also loves Roxane to win her heart. The love for Roxane makes Cyrano's character full of sadness and honor because he accepts that Roxane will never love him in return but he still wants her to be happy. His sacrifice to suffer is part of what makes him a Honorable hero.

    Another example is In Corpse Bride Emily the (the Corpse bride) falls in love with Victor after he was practicing to propose to the one he loved ( Victoria) but summond Emily instead and gave Emily the thought Victor propsed to her. Throughout the movie Emily is hopping that Victor will love her back someday but Victor only sees her as a friend and he told her that multiple times. In the end Emily realizes that she will never gain Victor’s love and he is meant to be with Victoria so she lets Victor go so he can be with her. This shows Emily’s silent and noble acceptance of unrequited love just like Cyrano in Cyrano de Bergerac. She steps aside even though itsbpainful because she cares more about Victor’s happiness than her own.

    1. i like your perspective on the quote and I completely agree with you. Also I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the corpse bride.

  67. Cyrano's quote means that there's love but it love can go many ways, It can go “Sweet” or “Bitter”, this can be viewed as Cyrano try's to get with Roxane, He has all the love for her but she doesn't know it and does feel anything for Cyrano other then a friend. An example of this is in the movie Shrek, at one point Shrek eventually starts to like princess Fiona and hopes to win over her affection, but when he finds out the Fiona has feelings for Prince Charming he feels rejected and thinks that his chances are over.

    1. its lord farquaad bro

    2. no its not she literally wanted prince charming to save her and not shrek thats the whole point of the movie nerd

    3. no its not she literally wanted prince charming to come save her and not shrek thats the whole point of the movie

  68. “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne”. The quote is saying that love going unnoticed or is not reciprocated can be sweet but all at once bitter, since you get to see them be happy and full of joy, however the person converting their love is not known. It relates to the play, because Cyrano loves Roxanne, but never directly tells her. He would end up assisting the person who she loves being Christian as he would write the letters for him in which he would send to her. Cryano put his one hundred percent in anything that would ensure the happiness of Roxanne even if it meant her not loving him. Such as when Roxanne told him to watch over and protect Christian, even though he could not have that love, because he loved her so much he did it anyway. A media example is in “Forrest Gump”, when Forrest said .”I don’t know about a lot of things, Jenny, but I know about the Friend zone”. Forrest would confess his love to her and she would reject him, because she felt that she did not deserve anyone's love.

  69. Your interpretation of the word "bittersweet" was really well thought and well done as Cyrano really did enjoy making Roxanne happy while all at once being sad because he could not have it returned to him. About him being silent however, I agree, however I believe it was more than just the idea that she loved him as he had chance to express himself but never could because of his insecurities.

  70. I did not mean to put two "however" and to remake that last sentence. About him being silent I agree, however I believe it was more than just the idea that she loved Christian and that he did not confess because of his insecurities.

  71. The quote “The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne” means that love that isn't seen is very sweet but also bitter because you can see that other person happy and joyful but then never knowing that it was you that loved them. This fits Cyrano's story perfectly and I think maybe he could have had a chance with Roxane if he was honest with her from the start. An example of this would be when Quasimodo from the movie “The hunchback of Notre dame” had been rejected by Esmeralda he didn't know that he loved her in the beginning but then soon realized that he did but didn’t know how to tell her but, in the end, she chose to be with someone else. And he chose not to say anything so that she can be happy.

    1. Mariah Arzate ^

    2. I like your analysis of this quote and totally agree with you about if Cyrano told Roxane from the beginning, he couldve had a chance, his silence was his fault. Your example of media was good too I see the correlation between "the hunchback of notre dame" and the specific theme of friendzone.

  72. i agree, isabelle is constantly shown helping phieneas despite him not reciprocating those feelings

  73. ^^^ that was me

  74. I like your assement of the quote. You're right in the fact that it is used to make the reader feel sypmathetic for the character. As well as making them feel more relatable because everyone has been friendzoned, wether it was them doing it to themselves or not. I like your example of Creep by Radiohead because the character is like Cyrano in the fact that he likes a girl that he never thinks will like him back for something he has no control over. If I were to give one peice of constructive critisim, try breaking up your sentences a little bit more.

  75. This quote means that while Cyrano loves Roxane, she does not return that same love for him. It is bittersweet because Cyrano is happy for Roxane and wants her to be loved and appreciated not just for her beauty, but for her character. Just as he does and feels towards her, however, it is sad because he is not the one to whom she will give her love. Cyrano must watch Roxane with Christian and help him to woo her, listen to all the things she brags about Christian. Like how handsome he is, how brave, and how good he is with his words, while in reality, those words are not his but Cyrano’s. He must protect this man out of the selflessness of his heart to keep his love's love safe. Roxane is in love with Cyrano’s words and courageousness and he must not let his feelings interfere because he knows of the unrequited love, and is afraid of the rejection following his insecurities. It relates to Cyrano as a character because it shows how he is selfless and pure-hearted. We see his character giving all his heart to Roxane through his poems, as well as in the balcony scene where you could see in his facial expressions, and his tone, how he so longed and wished that it was him alone speaking to her and not acting as Christian instead. My example of a friendzone in a movie would be in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Disney’s version. Esmeralda forms a strong emotional bond with him but it's only platonic, not romantic. Esmeralda pities Quasimodo due to his mistreatment and physical appearance. He dedicates himself to protect her but she doesn’t reciprocate his feelings. Quasimodo's deep love remains silent while Esmeralda falls for Phoebus, who’s a guard. He prioritizes Esmeralda’s safety over his own, like when he saves her from Frollo. This demonstrates the pain of this unrequited love.

    1. Your analysis of the quote was really descriptive and showed a great understanding of it, especially how you says it relates to him being a selfless and pure hearted character.

    2. Hi Briley, I thought you had a really thorough analysis of the quote! I also wrote that it is bittersweet for Cyrano to continue to support Roxane and Christian in their relationship, although he isn't the one she loves. He longs to be in Chirstian's place, and it shows in your paragraph that you understood the message the author was trying to convey.

    3. Your analysis of the quote was really descriptive and showed a great understanding of it, and especially how you related this to Cyrano being a selfless and pure hearted character.

  76. The meaning behind this quote, "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne." is about how it takes nobleness to continue to love someone that you know doesn't love you back, knowing that it will bring suffering and regret, but it doesn't matter if it means seeing that loved one happy. Cyrano heavily relates to this quote in the fact that Roxane does not feel the same way for him, as he does for her. However, Cyrano bottles his feelings up and stays silent and instead shows his romantic character by continuing to make Roxane happy by sending letters to her as Christian, the man she is in love with. Even through his suffering and urge to reveal his true feelings to her, Cyrano stays the man he is, and continues to make Roxane happy, knowing that he is not the true reason for Roxane's happiness. This idea brings a feeling of empathy to the reader, a feeling of empathy for Cyrano, so that readers are more drawn into the play, feeling more for Cyrano as they go deeper into the play. I remember an example of friend-zoning and a situation somewhat similar to this quote, and that example is in the Pokemon Series: XY. In this series, a character named Serena, who has major feelings for Ash Ketchum, doesn't seem to get the love in return. Instead, Ash Ketchum only treats her as a friend and for example, in the 12th episode of season 19, Serena offers to dance with Ash as an act of bonding or love, Ash denies since he shows clearly that he only thinks of her as a friend and that he doesn't take her seriously. Throughout the show, Serena shows minor signs of suffering as she knows that Ash doesn't love her back, but for her, it doesn't matter since she continues to support him in every Pokemon battle and every conflict he goes through, similar to how Cyrano continues to make Roxane happy.

    1. Hi! I agree that Cyrano is forced to bottle up his feelings for the sake of Roxane and Christian's relationship. I also like that you included how Cyrano writes the letters to Roxane as if it was coming from him, as it is an opportunity for him to pour out his feelings for her and they would be appreciated and accepted by her.

  77. This quote means that falling in love with someone who doesn’t love you back is not just sad, but touching. This resonates with Cyrano as a character because although it is upsetting that Roxane doesn’t feel the same way for him, he selflessly supports Roxane's relationship with Christian despite his own unrequited love for her. The reader views his actions as sweet as he vows to protect Christian throughout the story and helps him pursue her. The theme of "friend-zoning" was represented in the movie 500 Days of Summer. In the movie, the protagonist, Tom begins to crush on Summer and ultimately finds himself in the "friend zone" with her. Once they become more and more involved, Summer makes it clear that she doesn't want a romantic relationship with Tom, despite their close friendship. It is revealed in the last scene, Summer
    gets married to someone else and cuts ties with Tom, leaving him heartbroken and longing for a love that will never be returned.

  78. The quote means that while Cyrano shows affection towards Roxane, she doesn't know this meaning the feeling isn't mutual. In the animated TV series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Donatello falls in love with April O' Neil, but she seems to show no interest in him. This is because he is a turtle mutant, and she is human she doesn't believe a relationship between them would work out. Throughout the entire show he continues to try to impress her enough to ignore their differences, but to no avail. This relates to Cyrano's one-sided relationship since he wishes he could be with Roxane, but she sees him only as a friend.

  79. "The bittersweet theme of unrequited love is silently and nobly borne." This quote means that love isn't always reciprocated and how it can be one sided or how love can be misinterpreted by someone's actions leading you to think something that isn't really real. Like how in the book Cyrano De Bergerac when Cyrano misinterprets Roxane when she describes who she's in love with and Cyrano assumed she was talking about him the whole time when in reality she wasn't and she was in love with Christian. In the show Gilmore Girls Tristan would tease Rory and show some feelings towards her. During a short break Dean and Rory had her and Tristan had kissed but then she soon realized she messed up and wanted to get back together with Dean. Rory only wanted to be friends with Tristan and nothing more due to the feelings she had for Dean.


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