January 2025 Blog Post Assignment: WORDS ARE LIFE

    "Don't get upset by what he said.  They're just words."  Does this statement, or any close variation of it sound familiar to you?  How many of you embrace it as your own philosophy?  How many of you would like to give the speaker a nice, firm sock in the arm? Well, I am going to start this post here by making a bold statement.  Here it goes:  Whether you acknowledge it to be true or not, your words have power.  Lots of it.  You may not feel very powerful when you utter them, but they are, as the great English proverb tells us, "Mightier than the sword."

    Now, allow me to explain and expand.  For some, the words of others do not sting as much as they will for others, but whether you are as tough as nails or a marshmallow when it comes to matters of the heart, those to whom you communicate may not fall into your same category.  For this reason, being thoughtful, empathetic, yet clear communicator is a precious skill - especially for those of you who plan to be in any form of upper management.  The best leaders in any industry got there because they knew how to communicate.  they were aware of the great power of their words, and they used that power with skill and wisdom.

    If not everyone received the same words in the same spirit, then how do we become astute at the great art of communication?  Well, the answer is in the question:  it is an art, so we practice.  We test the waters.  Observe more than just verbal communication/language.  We communicate who we are to others in many different ways and within many unique nuances.  Reading people - really taking the time and presence of mind to actively listen to not just what they say but how they say it - can really tell you a lot.  

    In our class we have already done a lot of communicating with one another in various groups and partnerships, as well as all together on our blog.  As Markus Zusak wrote in his masterpiece, The Book Thief, "words are life," figuratively and quite literally.  Combinations of letters create words, the arrangement of words create sentences, these sentences convey meaning.  What the recipient does with that meaning - how they deconstruct it - builds and tears down elements of their very character.  That's power!

    This year, you will continue to have many opportunities to observe and learn from each other's communication styles, and practice wielding your language "sword."  The spoken and written word both have their moment on the world's stage, and whether their influence is felt on a small or large scale, itis a moment that carries power for the listener:  a moment in the ears can lead to a lifetime on the heart.  In his novel The Name of the Wind,  Patrick Rothfus writes: "Words can light fires in the minds of men; words can wring tears from the hardest hearts."  See?  I am not the only literary person to make those bold statements.

    You are powerful.  Whether written or spoken, your words carry the power to build someone up and bring life, or tear them down and bring death.  Just like that mighty sword the English were talking about.

Directions for your response post:

1.  Read the short article by clicking the link HERE.  Then, reflect on what you learned, and what most resonates with you on the topic.

2.  Go through the quotes below about the words and their power.  Pick a favorite, type it up in your post, and write about why it was your favorite.  I would LOVE to hear your thoughts in your own words.  

3.  Reflect on at least two other fellow scholars posts, making connections on the power of language and words.

Quotes about language/words:

    The idea that language has great power is nothing new!  But words by themselves only have as much power as we allow them.  Even though our modern society is much more sensitized and defensive in nature (we seem to have lost the art to debate and replaced it with the great art of mudslinging in the public arena), in ancient times and during the Renaissance, the power of our language was acknowledged, admired, and celebrated.  Here are a few famous quotes, including those collected from Proverbs in the Bible and the great bard, Shakespeare, himself....


  1. "There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." (Proverbs 12:18). While it may be easy to break someone down, it is a much more valuable skill to be capable of building one up from this form of ruin. Why would you want to make someone doubt themselves when you could be making them the best version of themselves? I do not have the best state of mind at all times, but that will never make me ruin someone else's point of view. I would much rather spend my time making a positive impact on my peers, not being remembered as a terrible man or perhaps even forgotten.

    1. I agree with your quote there is no reason that you should be bringing someone down over something so small when you can say something nicer to bring there mentality up instead of making there mood worse.

    2. I love the quote you used. Your words will mark how you are seen and will be seen. Everyone who ever meets you will have a different perspective/version of you. That is why it is so important to be wise when choosing your words.

    3. I agree, what sense would it make to tear someone down? What benefit do you get for seeing someone break down because of you? Instead, like you said, I would much rather lift as many people as I can up and help make themselves better as a person overall.

    4. I think that your quote does an amazing job at showing how powerful words are. When using language recklessly you can cause damage alike to the thrust of a sword. But when you use language wisely, your words can be controlled and their effect on others can be positive.

  2. the quote I am choosing to dissect is "Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten." this quote is my favorite because it shows how people never really forget if you said something mean or derogatory even though you might not have meant it. words can break apart friendships and relationships or they can make them stronger but once you say something you maybe didn't want to or you regret, you can never truly come back from that at least for a while. the other person will wonder did he/she really mean that. it creates a doubt in your mind that is that person really your friend. words are more powerful than people think so be careful before you speak especially when angry.

    1. I also think this is a great quote because it shows the things that people say can never truly be taken back.

    2. I like and appreciate this quote, it shows how powerful words can be. Something you say, even if you don't think anything of it, can have a profound effect on others, and can stick with them forever.

    3. I agree with your statement saying that once your words are said they cant come back which helps with many of these as a good topic due to having to be careful with what you say because in this quote it does show that being careful with your words can change someones whole day and or week depending on what you would say to them.

    4. The quote chosen is very powerful and makes you think differently than you usually would, especially towards those whom you cherish the most, for you don't want them to remember you in a negative way.

    5. I agree ,because even years later, you won't be remembered for what you did well but instead what you did wrong and that's what makes this quote so powerful.

    6. Honestly I agree, not only can it brake outside relationships but can consequently bring yourself down as far as how you view yourself.

    7. I really like how your quote conveys the power of words. Words are not easily forgotten if at all. It goes to show how powerful words can be on someones emotions and that is more than enough reason to be careful with what you say.

    8. I agree with this quote a lot because people need to be more careful with what they say because you don't really know what others are going through and you don't know the severity of what you said can hurt them in a negative way or they now see you as negative person.

    9. I agree because people can remember what you say forever and can make or break a friendship/relationship depending on what was said.

  3. “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit” Proverbs 15:4
    I've heard the saying “words have power” my entire life and I whole heartedly believe that to be true. Growing up with a Christian household and family, it would make sense for my mom or grandma to tell me that. Every time I would say something that would have hesitancy, they would say remember your words have power. Which the article agrees with on how you should structure your statements to be more driven.

    1. This is absolutely correct and is a great quote to live by. Remembering to hold your tongue when upset is a great tool and helps you to not lash out and keep your cool during arguments.

    2. Ethan B, I completely agree. One of the most important skills to have is keeping your mouth shut when you are upset, as more times than not, if you don't you will end up saying something based off emotions that isn't factual.

    3. Having driven statements is a very valuable skill and knowing the time or place to say certain things can change one's life. Being hesitant can have its advantages, just be sure not to hesitate at the wrong time, someone might need what you have to say right then and there.

    4. I agree, anything you say will be held against you no matter what you said and how you felt at the time or if you mean it, they wont care. So instead you need to keep your mouth shut to not tarnish what you have.

    5. I agree with Ethan B because yes saying the wrong thing can really ruin someones day or in extreme causes ruin their life. this relates to my quote showing the key points of how words can be dangerous and that people should slow down especially in an argument

    6. Yes I also talked about how words can have a deeper meaning and they ultimately have more power than we think, I also liked about how you connected this to your past experiences with your family since it brings a real world connection.

  4. In the article “The Power Of Language” I learned that everyone uses language without being subconsciously aware of what they are saying or doing. Everyone uses the word “I” a lot so many people use “I” without having an idea of what to say because they want to be the spotlight and main shot of the listener. The” I” statement is also used a lot to make decisions such as i don't want and I need this. The I statement is used to show a positive attitude towards your decision. The topic that most resonated with me is “The power of I” I use the words I and lot when I'm out and about I use “I” to make a lot of my personal spending decisions, such as example over the weekend I said “ I need this drink because I'm thirsty when i could have waited to just find water instead i used “I” as an obligation to buy the drink.
    “There is one whose rash words are like swords thrust but the tongue of wise bring healing” (Proverbs 12:18)
    This quote is my favorite out of all the quotes because ones rash decision in words will not bring healing and or better consequences when it can bring worse, the tongue of wise brings healing shows that the more thought you have in your words and choices the listener can gain more from it and possible learn from your words.

    1. I do agree with you Logan, a lot of people speak without thinking about the value of the precious words that are coming out of their mouth. The word "I" is a self description of your own self and you certainly don't want to qualify yourself in the wrong way giving other people a wrong idea about your words and as a consequence about yourself and your beliefs.

  5. Language is powerful. The way words are said can give a single phrase 100 meanings. An example given by the article is the statement “I’ll try”. I’ll try by itself means that a person is going to try to get something done, but this isn’t always the case. It can mean that the person is subtly giving them self an excuse if they fail, or when said sarcastically, can mean the person will not try at all. The way words are conveyed have a huge impact on what someone is actually communicating. I picked the last quote by C.S. Lewis as my favorite. I liked this quote because it is a good stance to live on. Do not over exaggerate for minor things because when a major thing comes along, you have no way to convey the difference. An example of this would be if a company was talking about how amazing and revolutionary a product was when it really wasn’t, then an actual revolutionary product comes out, and no one believes them.

    1. The "I'll try" point that you brought up is a great example to how words can be misleading

    2. I think the example you made to explain the quote was good to help me understand it better, seriously.. thank you Gavin Clement.

    3. That part of the article also caught my eye, its very interesting how words carry so much power over communication but don't always mean what is said.

    4. Gavin C, Over exaggerating minor things, when larger things are going to come, is a great example. The way words are conveyed have possibly the largest impact on the language being communicated.

    5. I like your point about not over exaggerating because it makes sense when something big happens people wont understand because people make everything a big deal. great quote and Great analysis.

    6. "Unseen impact" I like that you used those two words to show that our words have an impact that we cant see and they remember those through there lives. Negative or positive they stay with that person because of your word choice.

    7. I like what you said about overexaggerating little things. People love to make every small thing a huge deal, and when something big does happen, it all seems the same.

  6. We take our language for granted the majority of the time. Our words have an unseen impact that resonates with people for the rest of their lives. Things we would have thought people had forgotten, they remember. If I realized the impact of my words sooner, I would be saying many things differently. The portion from the text that resonated with me the most is, "If we realized the potential that language has to create and transform our lives, we would pay a great deal more attention to our utterances."

    "There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." (Proverbs 12:18). While it may be easy to break someone down, it is a much more valuable skill to be capable of building one up from this form of ruin. Why would you want to make someone doubt themselves when you could be making them the best version of themselves? I do not have the best state of mind at all times, but that will never make me ruin someone else's point of view. I would much rather spend my time making a positive impact on my peers, not being remembered as a terrible man or perhaps even forgotten.

    1. I agree with what your saying about the quote. What purpose is their to saying anything negative that can bring someone down? There is none. There is only the selfishness of trying to bring one down to bring yourself or another up. When in reality you can just bring both up with a wise choice of words.

    2. "Unseen impact" I like that you used those two words to show that our words have an impact that we cant see and they remember those through there lives. Negative or positive they stay with that person because of your word choice.
      (Did the last one on the wrong one)

  7. Realizing the impact words have on other people and the different uses for words in our everyday lives will help people understand how much power language holds and the dependency of that power on how it is wielded. Using words that show more confidence might make someone seem more powerful or in control, while other words that show hesitance or anything similar will represent that same person differently. These words also depend on the context in which they are used. Words and language can be used to manipulate people and tell the truth to them, based on the individual speaking. Sentences that get a point across in fewer words are more powerful and people are more likely to pay attention to them than a sentence where the individual is rambling on. Using language to manipulate someone resonated the most with me because I dislike when my brother uses his words to manipulate me and my family into not doing things he doesn’t want to do, even though we don’t comply.
    “Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well” -Robin Sharma: This quote was my favorite because it was the shortest and easiest quote to understand fully, in my opinion. Even though the quote is short, it gets to the point in only ten words and is easy for the viewer to understand with their first read. Words can inspire people, ideas, opinions, and many other things depending on how people use them and their intent for using them. The quote next states that “words can destroy”, meaning that the words that someone chooses to use can have a negative impact on who they are used on. These words can dull the positive effects that inspirational words can have on someone. To effectively use words based on the intentions of the individual using them, they must understand how to choose their words well.

    1. I agree with what you said about fewer words being more powerful, when you ramble to someone they may not understand and miss your point completely.

    2. I agree with your observation that brevity can enhance the impact of communication. The listener may fail to grasp the essential message, resulting in a complete misunderstanding of the intended point.

    3. I find your take on words intriguing especially when you mention the importance of context. yes context can be so important as it does make the words have meaning in the first place but another aspect you may have unintentionally or intentionally introduced was "intention" behind a statement.

  8. Something I found interesting and reinforced in the article is how your own internal phrasing both affects the message you are putting out into the world. As well as how you self direct your own actions a bit through that internal phrasing . Language is both a tool and the mental leverage we give out from ourselves. Repetition works through these small adjustments of phrases, builds or degrades confidence and ultimately can affect the very direction we turn to in moments of emotional crisis.
    I Chose "Words can Inspire. And Words Can Destroy. Choose Yours Well." By Robin Sharma for my quote as it not only displays the power behind your words, but the responsibility in Choosing what you say. As someone who is vocally on a burning candle I appreciate the frank forwardness of this statement. It holds out neutrally what it is for you to decide how you use the tool of language. It's inclusive to both sides of the blade language can be, to build up or break down, to sow fields of relationships or sever them.

    1. I agree with this, and I like how you said "not only displays the power behind your words, but the responsibility in choosing what you say" I feel like this is very true and it is up to you to choose what you say and how you say it.

    2. I love what you said about how you choose what you say, I feel as if a lot of people think in some ways they can control themselves, that they didn't mean to say what they did. But in reality you do, every word that comes out your mouth is something you thought about then spoke into existence. This may put a different perspective on how other may view what they say before saying it.

  9. What resonated with me in the article was the third point they made: Vagueness and Ambivalence.¨. I do struggle with verbal communication, especially since I have trouble hearing. It's hard to distinguish when someone is being sarcastic unless I identify the face or body language they express however, if they do not, I can not tell. One quote reminded me of my mom always saying this when my brother and I disagreed. It holds a sentimental place in my life; ¨words can inspire, And words can destroy, choose yours well.¨ By Robin Sharma.

    1. I think that not only your words but how you interpret them is important. Your body language, faces, tone, and your words matter when you have a conversation or communicating with someone. I also really loved that quote. I think we should always think before talking instead of making impulsive decisions.

  10. I agree with what you said about talking too much will make you lose recognition and that shorter, more conscience sentences are better for people to understand you.

  11. Based on the article, I have learned that how someone speaks and the words they choose to use to get their message across influence how it is interpreted by a listener. What resonates with me the most on this topic is how finding confidence and being assertive in a conversation is significant. This resonated with me because I struggle to use words that allow me to seem more sure of myself such as “I am, I will, I have, I know”, etc. The article gave clear examples of how it sounds when you don’t use phrases like these, and this different perspective gave me an insight into what to change in my everyday conversations. Out of the quotes below, my favorite quote was “Words are free. It’s how you use them, that may cost you”. This stuck out to me because it’s true–everyone can say any word they desire, but some may lead to consequences. Once someone says something they can’t take back, it’ll cause regret. If we maximize our words and use language, we can resolve problems instead of creating them. This quote contributed to my understanding of the greater idea that words have a deeper meaning than what is on the surface.

    1. I agree with this, you have to be careful with the words you say because they can have consequences that cannot be taken back and will cause regret.

    2. I really liked your analysis of the quote by Kushandw I zdom , It's very true that words can be used to anyone's desire but depending on how they use those words can really affect them in the long run. I also liked how you added if we maximize our words it can help resolve problems because if we start to realize how words can have an effect on someone, it can save us from dealing with problems.

    3. I really agree with this because its true if we use our words than we can fix issues and I think it's also important to understand how words can have deep meanings.

    4. Hi Ari, I really liked how you talked about the quote and said "everyone can say any word they desire, but some may lead to consequences" which is true! Many people do not realize what they're saying until they face a consequence.

    5. I agree that you have to be careful with the words you use because you don't know how one sentence can affect someone's life. They can take things a different way and might think too much about it.

    6. Reflecting on your insights, I notice that you made a really good connection between the power of language and personal confidence. You explain that using assertive language, such as "I am," "I will," and "I know," can significantly impact how others perceive you and how you perceive yourself. Those words or phrases can sometimes even seem harsh and aggressive. So I believe tone would be very important.

      This goes along with the idea that language has the power to influence our relationships. By using confident language, you can project self-assurance and authority, which can, in turn, affect how others respond to you.

      I really like your quote you mentioned, "Once someone says something they can't take back, it'll cause regret," because it highlights the importance of mindful communication.

      Your reflection also touches on the idea that words have a deeper meaning beyond their common interpretation. This is a crucial aspect of effective communication, as it acknowledges that language can context-dependent.

  12. Throughout the article The Power of Language, I learned how words hold a lot of meaning depending on the way they are used. Especially words that start off with “I”, since it is described to be a “super-charged word”. It also brings up how people aren’t really aware of the power or the impact their words hold. The article then goes into detail how those words gain power and how it can lose power through the various ways they can be spoken. What resonated with me the most was the verbal runoff section. It really helped me understand that the fewer words used can really paint the big picture you are trying to reach with your words and allow more power to be held in those words.
    “Words are free. It’s how you use them that may cost you.” (Kushandw i zdom) is my favourite quote because it makes you think about how words can be what saves and benefits you in the long run. Or they can be your biggest downfall and cost you the things around you. For example, if you only use your words to hurt those around you and cause harm, it’ll end up costing you the presence of those who used to stand by you, leaving you all alone to deal with your consequences.

    1. Hi Emily, I also chose the Kushandw i zdom quote as my favorite because of the way it opens your mind to the causes and effects that words have. I like how you said that they can be your biggest downfall and costs the things around you, as the way you use words determines it's influence.

    2. I really like your interpretation of the article and the quote. I agree that words can cost you the people around you and I love the way you used words like presence of people. I think its important to highlight the beginning of the quote explaining how anyone can use words and how easy it is to effect another person and you really brought this out in your explanation.

    3. You really capture the true meaning of this quote and the importance of mindful communication. You've highlighted the impact that words can have on individuals, whether it's bringing happiness or causing harm.

      I really like how you've emphasized the lasting effects of words, noting that people can remember hurtful or uplifting comments from years ago. This shows the responsibility that comes with using language and the need to think carefully about how it might affect someone and if it resonates with your true intentions.

      The point you made about the importance of thinking before speaking is also well-taken. It's easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment and say something that might be regretted later. I believe that taking a moment to reflect on the potential impact of our words, can allow you to avoid causing harm and instead use language to build each other up.

      Good job :3

    4. Oh wait, I meant to reply to Isebela, sorry!! I'll just republish it.

  13. In the article I learned that many people tend to not choose and monitor their language and how they say things. It is important to be aware of what kind of language and tone you are using while speaking to other people. The quote that stood out the most to me was “Words have a magical power. They can either bring the greatest happiness or the deepest despair”. I chose this quote because I feel like this explains the power of words and how they can be used for good and for bad. It is very easy to hurt someone with just a few words that you think may mean nothing. Words are so powerful that people can remember something that was said to them from years ago. It could be something that hurt them, or something that made them feel good about themselves that they kept with them all this time. Words can really impact someone’s life if they are not used correctly and they cannot be taken back. Once something is said, it's said. It can be forgiven, but never forgotten. Sometimes things can be said in the heat of the moment, but it is important to think before you speak and think about the impact it may have on the person you are speaking to.

    1. Hi Isabela, I also agree that words are powerful in both negative and positive ways. I like how you dug deep into analysis with your quote, especially how you said how words can be forgiven and never forgotten. It really shows your understanding and clear thoughts on this topic.

    2. I like your analysis and how you viewed it. I can tell you really understood this and deeply connected with it.

    3. You really capture the true meaning of this quote and the importance of mindful communication. You've highlighted the impact that words can have on individuals, whether it's bringing happiness or causing harm.

      I really like how you've emphasized the lasting effects of words, noting that people can remember hurtful or uplifting comments from years ago. This shows the responsibility that comes with using language and the need to think carefully about how it might affect someone and if it resonates with your true intentions.

      The point you made about the importance of thinking before speaking is also well-taken. It's easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment and say something that might be regretted later. I believe that taking a moment to reflect on the potential impact of our words, can allow you to avoid causing harm and instead use language to build each other up.

      Good job :3

  14. I learned that words have an immense power. They impact the person who hears them with many feelings, and opinions. Not just the words you say but HOW you say them matters when it comes to your impact on the person. Everyone has different opinions and beliefs but being a communicator is essential to everyone, even more so if you are a leader. The article states “Generally, the more words you use to say something, the less power those words have.” The smaller your phrase is, the more clear and straightforward it’ll sound, therefore, the smallest, the more power it will have.

    My favorite quote below is “Words have a magical power. They can either bring the greatest happiness or the deepest despair.” I chose this one because it is short and straightforward. The words from someone can greatly impact many aspects of your life, even more so if they come from someone meaningful to you. If you get told “you are doing good” - a supporting phrase - towards something you’re doing, you’ll feel motivated to keep working hard. But, if you get told “you will never get good at it,” there is a higher chance of you believing those words and giving up.

    1. I learned that words have an immense power. They impact the person who hears them with many feelings, and opinions. Not just the words you say but HOW you say them matters when it comes to your impact on the person. Everyone has different opinions and beliefs but being a communicator is essential to everyone, even more so if you are a leader. The article states “Generally, the more words you use to say something, the less power those words have.” The smaller your phrase is, the more clear and straightforward it’ll sound, therefore, the smallest, the more power it will have.

      My favorite quote below is “Words have a magical power. They can either bring the greatest happiness or the deepest despair.” I chose this one because it is short and straightforward. The words from someone can greatly impact many aspects of your life, even more so if they come from someone meaningful to you. If you get told “you are doing good” - a supporting phrase - towards something you’re doing, you’ll feel motivated to keep working hard. But, if you get told “you will never get good at it,” there is a higher chance of you believing those words and giving up.

    2. I agree with your interpretation of the quote and I definitely agree, certain words if you hear them it is just like magic and it just changes your mood for the day weather that be for the better or the worse

  15. 1. The article the power of language is one that emphasizes the great importance and power of our words. Certain words like “I” have a deep meaning that projects how we see ourselves and who we are. This article suggests that depending on the words following “I” there are different meanings and projections into reality, for example, by saying “I have” instead of “I want” there is a better chance your mind wont forever pine on the desire and actually have whatever you want. Looking deeper into this article words can be vague and most of the time not concise its important to note that every person is going to have their own interpretations of whats being said. Something in this article that resonates with me the most is the advice to listen in order to be more conscious with your words because I feel like I can only give my input once I’ve understood something completely, I like to listen before anything.
    2. "Words have magical power they can either bring the greatest happiness or the deepest despair" Words have extremely deep meanings and depending on what you put out to the world it determines what comes back to you. Sigmund Freud describes this as either the greatest happiness, or the deepest despair. I liked this quote because of how simple yet powerful and true this message was. If you speak without care its only going to lead to consequences that may hurt yourself or the people around you but if you speak truthfully and meaningfully you get the rewards of being someone people can trust. Just like the reading mentioned, the quotes with more words felt like they lost a bit of meaning, but when I read this quote adjectives like magical power and deepest despair pulled me in as a reader, they werent too descriptive and told me just enough where I can comprehend the quote entirely.

    1. I like how you went into detail how words are vague but can have different impacts on people due to the way they interpret it. I also really liked your quote analysis because depending on how the words are used they can cause two reactions to happen a happy one or an upset one.

    2. I enjoy how you emphasized the significance of language in communication and personal development, highlighting how assertions like "I" affect our reality. It highlights how purposeful language may change our perspectives and help us align with our goals. Reflecting the idea of awareness in language, listening encourages meaningful and thoughtful discourse. The quotation from Sigmund Freud highlights the importance of making thoughtful decisions and the enchanted power of words. The piece also highlights how crucial it is to use simple language because strong, impactful phrases can arouse strong emotions.

    3. I think that words beyond relation to I can project who we are and how we see the world as well. Every reaction and response is a collection of our worldview and experiences, and on your point about listening I wish that everyone in this world only ever had to listen, it's so much easier to respond and build on a conversation than to start one from scratch, and that's where I think the biggest struggle with talking to strangers lies. My reaction to Freud's quote was one of amusement, as I see him as the guy with some of the strangest ideas on child psychology out of all time, but your analysis showed much more depth and I appreciated your perception on word's constructive properties.

  16. Reflection on the article
    In the article "The Power of Language," I discovered that words hold a significant impact, even the simplest ones. I learned that how individuals communicate and the words they choose to say are crucial in influencing how listeners interpret their messages. What resonated with me most was the importance of finding confidence and being assertive in conversations.I can relate to that feeling because I often struggle to use words that project certainty, such as "I am," "I will," "I have," and "I know." The article provided good and clear examples of How conversations can sound without such phrases providing me with a valuable perspective on changes I can make in my everyday interactions.

    “Words can Inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.”(Robin Sharma).
    This quote is my favorite because it highlights how potent words can be, for better or worse. It’s so easy to hurt someone with a few careless words that might seem harmless at the time. People can hold onto things said to them for years, whether it's something that stung or something that made them feel great. Words can change someone’s life if they’re not used wisely, and once you say something, you can’t just take it back. It might be forgiven, but it’ll probably stick around in their mind for a long time. Everyone says stuff without thinking, especially when emotions run high. It's crucial to stop and consider how our words can impact the feelings of others.

    1. I like how you emphasized the responsibility and power of language. It draws attention to how aggressive language affects relationships and personal development. The phrase highlights how crucial it is to use words carefully because they have the power to damage someone's memory. The reflection highlights the duality of words and the importance of mindfulness in emotionally intense situations. It emphasizes how crucial it is to use language as a tool for good and how important it is to choose words carefully.

    2. I agree with you when you said that it is crucial that we stop and consider what to say to someone. We have to ask ourselves, "Will saying this impact the person in a negative way or a positive way? Is this building the person up or tearing them down?" And if it tears them down or impacts them negatively, you probably should not say it.

  17. The part of the article I believed to be the most important and resonated the most with me was the section on manipulation. How you manipulate your words impacts your entire demeanor of speaking, and can affect those around you who are listening. Proper manipulation of your worlds can be extremely beneficial everywhere. It may be more costly in terms of energy to properly manipulate your wording but it is well worth the extra effort. I'm choosing Proverbs 15:4, because I full-heartedly believe it. Gentle words are easy on the soul, unlike harsh and negative words. Speaking positivity helps you stay positive.

    1. I agree with what you wrote on manipulation and I really like how you put the feeling of being manipulated into words.

  18. 1. what resonates with me most is how words can either help us or hurt us. for example, saying "i cant" makes us feel stuck but saying "I'll try" makes us feel we can do something. it shows the way we talk to ourselves and others has a big impact on our lives. it made me realize I should think more about the words I use every day

    2. the quote I choose is "words are free. its how you use them that may cost you." this stood out to me because its simple but powerful it reminds us that while we can say whatever we want, our words have consequences. they can either help build someone up or tear them down, and that choice is always in our hands. it made me feel think about how important it is to be careful with what I say, not just to others but also to myself. our words can have a big effect, even if we don't realize it at time.

    1. I agree with your answer to number one because I also will change my words to "I'll try" to make things better for myself and make me feel like I can do something.

    2. I like how you understood that its better to say words direct and with confidence because its key to making an impact on someone.

    3. I like your grasp of the article and I think you understood it well. I also appreciate how you dissected the quote and explained it in a way that makes it easy to grasp.

  19. Something I reflected on from the short article is about how it talks about how Language has immense power and we have learned to use it lightly by speaking more from habit than real intention. The thing that most resonated with me is about how "I" statements ultimately define how we value ourselves and others, for example, saying "I know I can" has a much different and higher value then saying "I think I will".
    My favorite quote was"Be careful with your words. Once they are said, They can only be forgiven, Not forgotten." and this is my favorite because it reminds us how much power words truly have, and we have to think about what we say since words can ultimately hurt someone, and even though someone can forgive you for what you say, they won't forget what you said and that just shows how much of a deeper value words can have on you or other people.

    1. I think that you chose a quote with an important meaning. Each one of us as a memory and words are not going to disappear from your memory if you don't want to. Indeed if you put weight on someone else's insults to your person, those words can only be forgiven but they are going to stick in your mind, no matter what.

    2. I liked how you said at the end how it shows a much deeper value of words can have on different people. I agreed with the explanation of the quote and how words truly have so much power to them.

    3. I think it is interesting that we reflected on the same part of the article. I think that the quote you chose is very impactful as it emphasizes how the things we say can never be truly forgotten and thus leave an impact even after we have been "forgiven".

    4. I agree with what you have said about the deeper value that words have, I think what the quote is really saying is that our words never get forgotten, but the one thing we can do is make people forgive us for our mistakes.

  20. In the article, “The Power of Language” the writers focus on how words are used to transform and evolve our lifestyle, beliefs, and ideas. I learned how important it is to understand that your words don’t only affect others but they also affect yourself.

    The article elaborates on the use of the word “I”. This portion of the article resonates with me the most because in everyday life I hear people using it in very self-demeaning ways. “I” is used at the beginning of a statement defining you; your ideas, values, expressions. This statement has the power to both empower yourself or lead you into a downward spiral. The words you input after the word “I” begin to shape who you are as a person. Statements like: “I am lazy, fat, or dumb” or “I can’t do this”. These statements have negative effects. They cause you to believe that these things are true, and your mind begins to falter believing you have no control over them. When expressing these statements it may not seem like they have such large impacts, but they do, just as Sigmund Freud says, “Words have a magical power. They can either bring the greatest happiness or the deepest despair”. This quote is my favorite out of the ones listed because it highlights how your words can affect you. The quote is very simple, the way you use your words determines the impact it has on you and others, either positive or negative - happiness or despair.

    If people were to use these statements in a more positive manner they would have more motivation to do certain things. For example, saying things like “I can”, “I will”, or “I choose” have more positive connotations. They set you up for future goals. Saying, “I will go to the gym” sets your mind to achieve that goal, further motivating you in the long run.

  21. Our perceptions and self-concept are greatly influenced by language. The words that come after "I" show our thought and self-concept while announcing our identity and goals. The difference between "I" statements that are empowered and those that are disempowered highlights conviction and certainty. Rephrasing wishes as "I have" or "I choose" emphasizes agency and abundance over lack, turning longing into action and thankfulness. Language shapes our inner world in addition to being a means of communication. We may strengthen our thinking and match our behaviors with our objectives by intentionally picking our words.
    "Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours wisely" emphasizes how effective language is in communication. The quotation promotes focus, kindness, mindfulness, and accuracy in language use. It emphasizes thoughtful word choice and demands that we carefully evaluate how our words affect both ourselves and other people. Although words are freely used, they should be carefully chosen because they can have expensive repercussions. This quotation acts as a manual for effective communication and emphasizes the value of word choice.

    1. Hi victoria I really liked your analysis for the quote you chose. I agree that is very important to chose your words wisely and with care because you never know how someone will react to it.

    2. I liked how you said that words are free, but we should still be careful when choosing words because they can have an effect on a person. I think that words have to be well chosen because they can have a strong meaning on someone, they can take your words and change them to what they believe you said.

    3. Hi Vikki I like how you talked about the quote you chose. Mine was similar and I believe that words should always be carefully chosen no matter the conversation.

  22. “I” is a mighty single-letter word with a strong intent and makes us feel powerful but it can also be used to feel less powerful and create that unsure statement. “I will” “I want” and “I can” all have a empowering aspect but also “I don't know” and “I am not sure are more or less powerful statements and there are even unsure statements like, “ I think I can” there can be many ideas and thoughts with the single letter I that we all use and they change our ideas.
    The quote “Words have a magical power. They can either bring the greatest happiness or the deepest despair” Words are powerful but how we use them to others and ourselves brings a person up or can bring them down how we talk about ourselves saying we can do it by being positive but also using negative words can make unhappy while those say words can make use happy it's how we use them that can make use a fell happy or sad.

    1. I agree with how powerful words can be and how they affect yourself and others.

  23. 1) What resonated with me was speaking powerfully and positively. Getting rid of the negative connotations like, "I can't, I won't, I need, I don't, etc." If you speak all these negative connotations about yourself before you even tried to fix your situation, then you have already given up. Even if you did start to try and fix your situation, chances are you will not make it because you have given up on yourself, you do not believe in yourself. So, if you replace these words with, "I can, I am, I have, I will, etc." Then you give yourself the confidence that you can do whatever you put your mind to. Nothing is out of reach for us.

    2) "Gentle words bring life and health: a deceitful tongue crushes the Spirit." Proverbs 15:4
    I chose this quote because it reminds me of another proverb from the Bible. "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Proverbs 18:21. I truly believe that whatever you speak over your life is what your life will be. So if you are speaking negative things over yourself then I truly believe you will see negative things come to you. It will crush your spirit like the quote says. But if you are speaking life over your body, then life and health will come. "There is power in your words."

    1. 1. I appreciated your emphasis on positivity and sharing with us your struggles with negativity and lack of self-confidence. I'll take your words to heart and you can hold me accountable in joining you in this.
      2. I see how you're continuing this and it's intriguing to me how you focused on the crushing of the Spirit over the deceit behind it, and I can see that it's something that you try to protect and hold close to yourself.

  24. I liked how you brought up about in the article of how much words can change depending on how you say it and shows how much power they hold depending on how they are used.

  25. the part of the article I thought was most important was about the I statements because when you say things like "I cant do this" or "I suck" people tend to believe them but when we say more positive things about ourselves we mostly dont believe them. The article made me realize how true that was and how toxic it feels.
    The quote I like most is `` Words can inspire and words can destroy choose yours well''. I have 2 reasons for choosing this quote. First to me it sounds like a threat. And 2 because I believe this to be true for example Im going into a machining field and the people I will be interacting with will most likely either want me to succeed or want me to fail and that will reflect in what they are saying to me.

  26. 1. I have learned that anything you say could have a very large impact on how someone sees you and your intentions. I resonate with the “I” statements because on a daily basis I use them without even knowing how it might come off to some people.
    2. The quote I chose was “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” The reason I chose this quote was because I completely agree with the fact the words could change someone's day or life for the better or for the worse. For example, someone could be going through a really rough time in their life but if someone shows them empathy and support and tells them everything will be alright, it could change their perception of their current situation and could give them the motivation to keep going. Whereas if someone is going through a really tough time and someone tells them they should give up or that it's not even worth trying to get better they most likely will give up and things could get worse for them since they were already in a vulnerable state when they were told those words.

    1. I liked how you analyzed the quote and brought up a real life example. The quote you picked was very powerful and I agree that words can change someones life for better or worse.

    2. Christian VillalpandoJanuary 21, 2025 at 11:53 AM

      You example was very efficient on compliments your it very well on how you took two situations with the positive and negative factors to show how words can truly impact and take power on our minds and interpretations

  27. Some takeaways from the article are don’t use words as fillers, it makes your words less powerful. You need to become comfortable with silence. Make your words direct to your point, don’t make it vague and make your listener question what you’re saying. Use “I have” or “I choose” to be more meaningful and confident in your responses. I tend to use a lot of filler words because I hate silence. I think it’s uncomfortable and boring, so I need to start using less filler words.

    “Words are free. Its how you use them, that may cost you.” Words are so powerful, you can make someone’s day or ruin it. Giving a compliment to someone can really boost their confidence and make them happier, but if you say something rude about someone then it can really hurt them. You can create or deepen an insecurity, hurt their feelings, or just really upset someone with what you say. If you say something mean to a friend then they could distance themselves and you’ll lose that friendship, but if you use your words for good, you can gain a friendship.

    1. I agree with you statement about the quote. Words are so powerful and its your choice on how you use them. If you say something hurtful that comment can stick with that person for a long time and really bring down their self esteem and the way they view themselves.

    2. "Comfortable with silence" Our words can mean a lot and those words are filler and sometimes silence allows people to process what you have said and then talk again.

  28. In the article, I learned how much meaning words hold. Words hold a very significant impact, even the simplest ones. The article details how some words gain and lose power through the various ways they are spoken. The way words are conveyed can make huge changes to what someone is communicating. I learned that “I” is one of the most powerful words depending on how it is used. It can speak volumes, it can show strong intent but it can also mean a statement of victimization or can indicate no power.
    I chose the quote “ Words can inspire, Words can destroy. Chose yours well.” I picked this quote because it stood out to me, it was simple but powerful. This quote highlights the importance of words for the better or the worse. It highlights how words can have a positive impact and a negative impact on people. It leaves the reader with the thought of impacting other people's feelings.


    1. I think the analysis on the quote is really good because it covers all the important parts of the quote and explains it well. I also liked how you used the "I" statement from the article because it helps to show certain ways people will see things.

    2. The quote you chose is very powerful and really resonates with the reader because it makes you wanna think more before you speak because your words always have a sense of power whether you mean it or not.

    3. Hi Mylee, I liked the quote you chose and how you thought of it but in your own words with how words can leave both a positive and negative impact, and leaving someone with the thought of impacting the feelings of others with having empathy. I agree, words are very powerful and I enjoyed the way you wrote it out.

  29. In the article “The Power of Language” it really focuses on the different types of language and communicating there are and how each one has its own power and effect on yourself and others. The words you speak have a lot of power and how you say them could impact someone positively or negatively. What resonated with me the most was being able to find confidence in such little statements like “i can” and “i will” if we talk negatively with ourselves, nothing will get done but when you tell yourself “i can” it makes you wanna actually try and accomplish something.
    The quote i chose was “Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten” This quote shows that words can stick with someone for a long time, especially if they are hurtful. The person may forgive you for what youve said in the past but those words will never leave their mind and it could be brining them down in the future or even hold them back from growing and experiencing new things in life. This quote is very powerful because it really makes you wanna think before you speak.

    1. I relate to finding confidence in the little statements, telling myself I can do something really helps put me in the mindset that I can if I really try. Words sticking with you for life is so true, you never forget comments people make to you or about you and it can really affect your confidence and how you think about yourself.

    2. Hi Aryana, with your explanation of the use of "I" is really good. Using words such as "I can" can be more postitive rather than using something like, "I can't", as it can evoke negative emotion or thoughts for a person. And the quote you chose was the same one I also chose, and I liked your thought on it and agree that words are very powerful. :)

    3. Words can have both positive or negative impacts. The portion of the article that focuses on "I" statements also resonated with me the most. It shows the effect of negative talk on yourselves and how we can change it to help us accomplish more.

  30. In the article, I learned about the different uses of words and how simple terms such as, “I am not smart”, and things like, “I can’t”, can impact a person's mindset. I resonate with the Manipulation and Coercion topic, as it discusses our use of words and how we can come across to others with the energy we use to put those words out. I use these when I either want to be sarcastic or don’t want to be completely straightforward with something I would like to say. 
    “Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can be only forgiven, not forgotten.” I like this quote the most because it is the most real. For example, your family could say something to you and it could not have been the right thing to say to someone, but forgiving them is the only thing you can do since they are family. However, something like that can be hard to forget when it is said to you. Overall, I think it is the most real depending on how a person takes things. 

    1. I like how you analyzed the article I agree with what you said about how you chose to use certain words to be straightforward, that is relatable for many different people and it shows how everyone uses specific word choices to convey a certain tone.

    2. I think it is cool how much power words have in this instance the word "I" as it indicates personal association with whatever statement follows after. I think some great questions arise from your thoughts such as, is there also a subconscious personal affect to both the person making the statement or hearing/reading it?

    3. I agree with the quote that was analyzed. The impact of words can never really be forgotten as it was said out loud and can be replayed in the head. People can take those words that was said very differently and you have to be cautious.

    4. ^ Rita Martinez

  31. 1)Personally, I've found the article really intriguing. Obviously, what we say, modifies how people are seeing us. For example I can be a funny and joking guy to a group of people while being serious and solitary to others. In addition, I've found really important the part where the article focuses on silence. As we have learned for Purple Hibiscus so far, sometimes, silence can be very loud and can express a situation better than a thousand words will do. Sometimes staying silent is really the best choice in order to deliver a message or to communicate a strong message. However, words have the power to convince someone of something. If we think about it that is applied in the everyday life of everyone. For example a student hopes to convince a teacher to get a higher grade, while a young man hopes to convince a manager that he is the right person for the job or he is trying to convince a bank to give him a loan. Our life depends on others decisions too, and words are the only means that can always radically change people's perspective on someone or on someone's work. Finally, the articles really helped me to understand how to weigh words and more importantly, when to use them. I used to be a very talkative and extroverted person saying always what I thought. However, I realized that staying silent and listening to other people first gives you the advantage of knowing other people's perspectives in order to shape yours in the best way possible.
    2)"Words are free. It's how you use them that can cost you." I chose this quote because it' s a raw truth and it applies to a situation that happened in my town. Freedom of speech is included in the first amendment, so it's something no one can take from you. However, you are going to be responsible for the actions that people can take after being. harmed by your words. A guy that I knew, committed suicide by jumping from a roof due to the constant jokes made about him at school. Now, the guys that said those words to him are going to be trialed for their words since they were responsible for the death of a young boy.

  32. The short article was explaining that how we use our words will have an impact on our reality. It's similar to the “Glass is half full” or “Glass is half empty” philosophy where how you speak controls how you and others perceive reality. What resonates most with me on the topic is that when saying “I want” you are effectively giving up on achieving it by recognising that you don't have it. So instead of saying “I want to do this” it is better to instead say “I will do this later”. Looking through the quotes, the one by Sigmund Freud caught my attention. “Words have a magical power. They can either bring the greatest happiness or the deepest despair.” This quote caught my attention because I recently learned about Sigmund Freud in my psychology class. The reason this is my favorite quote is because it compares words with magic. Words can have a magical effect on the people they are used upon. They can make people happy or make them sad and it all depends on how you use them.

    1. I really like this intertextuality where you connected the glass is half full/ half empty concept from our SEL the other day, and now to this lesson.

    2. I agree with what you said about your favorite quote. As words can be some of the greatest influences on people around you whether it makes them do something great or hurts them. Words have are very powerful and like you said have that "magical effect".

  33. I agree with your point of view on how people speak unconsciously and like how you put it.

  34. I liked the quote you chose. I liked that in your reasoning behind the quote you chose and how you gave multiple reasons behind it. It gives more of a perspective on the quote and helps better understand it in a different set of eyes.

  35. After reading the article, I learned that I need to improve on my “I” statements. I always find myself using “I want” or “I wont” and if I were to change the way I use those statements I can sound more confident and professional in my speaking. In addition, it can also leave positive looks to those that I’m talking to. Overall, the article emphasized how powerful one’s language can be. The quote I chose was, “Words are free. It's how you use them that may cost you.” I chose this quote because many people do not realize what they say can leave a major impact on someone. People all around the world should always take a second to think about what they are going to say to someone before they actually say it.

    1. I like how you brought up the fact you need to improve on sounding more confident, I also need to work on that myself. I find myself saying those words " I want" " I wont" almost everyday. Once we get proficient it'll sound professional and direct.

  36. In the article “The Power of Language” something that stood out to me is “I” has a lot of power in itself by being able to use it as a way of manifestation or in a way bringing yourself down. By using the words “I know I can” makes you feel like you are capable of doing whatever crosses your path. However if you were to say “I think I can” could give you a mixed feeling and could give you the option to face your issue or not while telling yourself “I know I can” reduces those odds and sets you up for success.

    A quote that I liked was “Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well” because a really great example that I have for this is the words you choose as a parent to encourage your child. For example if a parent wants to show support to their child the parent will encourage them by using positive words to continue what the child loves and I’m sure that the child will love and thank their parent for their support. However if a parent does want to choose not to support the child and use negative words so that the child never follows their dreams it could lead to the child not being able to express their likes to their parents and would probably be stuck doing something that they are not really interested in the future.

  37. I liked that you said that when you use kind words you can have a good affect on a person and when you use harsh words yon can have a meaner affect on a person. I believe that words are strong and powerful and they can have a strong affect on someone.

  38. Article:
    In the article I learned that “I” is a very strong and powerful word. “I” is used when we are very conflicted in what we're talking about, when we are not so confident we tend to use words like “I don’t know” or “I am not too sure”. When we use the phase “I want” or “want” we tend to want something that we see out of reach. “I'll try" is a topic that I see most people use when something seems hard. Because it sends the message that if you don’t get the job done it won’t be your fault, it tells the listener that you are giving yourself permission to fail. “I’ll try” sometimes tells you that the person will not try.

    “Words are free. It’s how you use them that may cost you”. I like this quote because I believe that words are free and that you have free will of saying whatever you want. But the way you use them can bring a negative or a positive effect on a person. You saying nice words to someone can bring a happy and nice effect on them, bring them positively. You saying mean words can bring a sad and mean effect on them, bring them negatively. Words can change someone's mood instantly, whether it’s in a good way or a bad way.

    1. I believe that the way you explain what the quote truly means because it gives more depth in what this can be interpreted into.

    2. Christian VillalpandoJanuary 21, 2025 at 11:56 AM

      I agree with your take on the quote on how words can have an effect on someone's and it can change as quick with the words you choose to say

    3. I really like the quote you chose and I also connect with it a lot because words do cost you and can have a negative impact if not said thoughtfully.

  39. Understanding how words affect people and the various ways they are used in our lives will help people understand how valuable language is and how that power depends on how it is used.
    In the website I learned “ The way we present our ideas has to do with what we expect in return” If we feel like an idea of ours would fail, at the time we would focus on how we would fail, and the chances of us using indirect and confusing language would be high. Words with power can be used to manipulate people into doing something that wouldn't have been possible with everyday words. Using direct and honest language frees up that energy in a conversation. I resonate more on the manipulation topic because I like how most of the time things go my way.
    “ Words. So powerful. They can crush a heart, or heal it. They can shame a soul or liberate it. They can shatter dreams, or energize them. They can obstruct connections or invite it. They can create defenses, or melt them. We have to use words wisely” - J Brown. I actually like this quote said by J Brown because I like how clear and understandable this quote is. It's true we have to use words wisely, especially when said to the people who were close too. There is a lot of power in words, they can inspire and they can also destroy.

    1. This resonance between you and the quote works well because of how people so easily convince themselves and others to do things they might not even want to do.

  40. 1) “Words have a magical power. They can either bring the greatest happiness or the deepest despair.”

    2) This was my favorite because it explains how much of a double-edged sword communication can be. They can help and heal, or they can hurt and destroy.

    1. i don't mind the small amount of writing on this one because you give it so much detail with little writing, I like how you made the statement and also added more details to make the reader attracted more. truly inspiring geo

    2. like your opinion on the quote with when I read this quote had a similar opinion of its definition of having a double-edged nature.

  41. Well everyone takes words differently for me as an example they don’t mean much of anything I can always ignore them, but for others, words mean more. Words affect me through the way they are used, not necessarily the meaning, if someone is just talking even if aggressively pointed toward me I don’t care, But words are a tool people use words to get things done whether to convey information or to push opinion to support their beliefs. Looking into the Quote “There’s a power in words. There’s a power in being able to explain and describe and articulate what you know and feel.” The quote shows how there's power in the actions of the words. Humanity has used language to work together to fight wars and to even go to the moon it’s that language drives action that makes it so powerful. Some use it for planning, some for manipulation in political cases and others to show and express the discovery of mankind's greatest achievements.

    1. I agree that our words and language is what has brought the human race so far. It is also important to remember to use our words for good as well, if we did that then we can go further than anyone can even imagine.

  42. “I’ll try” can also be designed to let someone know you have the power to either withhold your consent or “graciously” bestow it.” This statement resonates with me as I frequently employ this reasoning. It serves as a justification for all actions taken, as expressing the intention to "try" implies a lack of commitment. By stating that one will "try," it conveys uncertainty, suggesting that there is no assurance of successful completion or quality. The ambiguity persists, allowing for potential misinterpretation, which is also true for any other unclear assertions.

    The quote “Words can inspire. And words can destroy.” reached out to me more because it’s something that happens in life a lot. Words can have different meanings to it and people can take it differently. It depends what words you use and how you saw it. You can say something that makes someone's day or worse. The impact of your words and the manner in which you express them can lead to immediate change to others.

    1. I like your take on the “I’ll try” statements and I too have a similar take and understand what your definition of the quotes.

    2. I like the quote you chose because it does happen a lot in life and it really does affect how peoples days are and how people feel about themselves

  43. Reading the article, I learned the power of the word "I" and how we subconsciously employ it to water down or embolden our statements. An example of this is saying "I might be able to" in comparison to "I can". This can be used consciously to boost confidence, make conversating easier, and provide assurance to those you are speaking to.

    The quote I chose is "Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder". This quote resonated with me as it made me think of the ways I speak consciously and unconsciously. It means that if we can say what we mean too say without raising our voice, then we will be able to foster flowery conversation in our wake.

    1. I like the quote you chose and what you said about it. I often see or hear people raising their voices when they want to get their point across when there is no need to. When everyone is calm and just saying what they need to say with no added tension, everything is far nicer.

    2. I really enjoy your insight Judah. I wholeheartedly agree that we should use more meaningful words to bring out the happiness in a relationship.

    3. I like how you describes the word “I” as subconsciously employing it, meaning we use it as bold statements without even trying to or knowing it. I find it unique and interesting that we used the same quotes but we pointed out different aspects of the quote. I interpreted the quote as choosing the correct words while you interpreted it as a way of speaking consciously and unconsciously.

  44. Christian VillalpandoJanuary 21, 2025 at 11:46 AM

    “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit” This would be my pick from all the quotes because of how simple and direct it is. Speaking in gentle words brings a positive mood to a conversation or person which refers to the “life and health” in the quote. Being deceitful and evil with the tongue not only brings bad energy to a situation but also gives you bad energy “crushes the spirit” in its literal meaning could have affect on your soul and on you as a being

    1. I really like your insight Christian, I agree with how simple the quote is and the impact it has.

  45. The article talks about how the words we say affect a person's thoughts and emotions and by using positive and empowering language and by doing so this can have an impact on our mindsets and a person's overall well being.

    "Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit." Honest words can have a positive effect on people by giving them hope, comfort. And by using hurtful words it can have a big impact on someone and can affect them negatively. The way we communicate with others is very impactful to another person's mental and emotional health, both positive and negative.

  46. Christian VillalpandoJanuary 21, 2025 at 11:49 AM

    From the article I learned how much words can affect and how much power they hold when holding a speech or in communication to an individual. Like speaking about yourself in positive or negative way could actually come to life and those words could have a hold on you

  47. Words are powerful, and the way you say the words is just as important. Statements can have many different meanings just based on the way they're said. A part of the article I resonate with is "I'll try.". When you say "I'll try," it gives you room to not do something. There is no guarantee that what you are going to try to do will be done. I have done this in the past if I really did not want to do something, but I knew the person would be upset if I denied their request.

    "Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten." Once you say something, that thing can be remembered forever. People can remember words you say for a lifetime, and they can forgive you for words you've said, but that does not mean they will forget. If you say something hurtful, it will most likely stick with the person much longer than you think. That can ruin relationships or strengthen them depending on the person, but whatever you say will always have meaning and will not be forgotten.

    1. I like how you phrased that once you say something the person will probably not forget what you said and will always remember and maybe even slightly hold a grudge on you. truly inspiring Tyler xoxo

    2. this above me is Justin bennett comment I just forgot to change it

  48. The power of words is very powerful and unique, it takes something that feels normal into something that could be fun and exciting, the tone on how you use words is misdirected a lot nowadays, especially over text. 80 percent of people get the wrong meaning of words when its over text but in person it's always a lot clearer

    picked the quote about gentle tongues because I feel like I understand it the most because I grew up in the church and still to this day I am a christian. In the real world you and your actions can affect a lot of people, some in good ways but some in bad ways but in real time you see nowadays people use their voices as an act of hatred and not love. People take what is supposed to be a gift from Jesus and use it to take someone's hopes and dreams away. It reminds me a lot because I was taught that to always be caring and nice to others because you never know what they are going through and if you're rude to them it can really turn their life into a nightmare.

    1. I agree, words are very powerful and people are normally not clear enough over text

  49. I learned that your words mean a lot and the way you phrase them. How you feel is ultimately reflected by the way you say things. I really liked this article and made me reflect on how I say things and the way it comes across to people. It makes me want to be more mindful of how I speak and how others will perceive it.
    I really love the quote by J Brown - “Words. So powerful. They can crush a heart, or heal it. They can shame a soul, or liberate it. They can shatter dreams, or energize them. They can obstruct connection, or invite it. They can create defenses, or melt them. We have to use words wisely.” I like how he points out two sides of how words affect people. People see things differently so you have to be wise and considerate when speaking to ensure you don’t offend someone.

    1. I agree with the reflection of the article, it truly showed me the impact of how words can impact someone. This makes me want to be careful with what I say.

    2. i do agree, I think its crucial to have both consequences to consider before you go and say whatever is on your heart

    3. I really like how you analyzed the quote. I agree with how we need to think before we speak to people because what we say can either bring people joy or hurt them.

    4. I agree with how you feel about the quote because we should be considerate and kind to everyone because there's no point in being mean to others just to hurt them

  50. My favorite quote shown above is, “Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” (Rumi) The reason that I resonate so strongly with this quote is because it shows a better way to communicate your feelings without pushing them onto people. In all of my relationships I help people feel loved and wanted in this world to help them fight against their low self esteem resulting from the world around them. My joy in this world comes from bringing happiness to others and bringing them the love that they deserve. As shown in this quote raising your voice does not build up relationships and does not heal emotional wounds. Every day I will use powerful words instead of a raised voice to convey my feelings to those that I love to protect them from the damage that can come from anger. Each of my friends, family, and significant others deserve to blossom like a flower instead of burning from the heat of lightning. This is the importance of using sincere words instead of using a loud voice.

    1. I think that quote is a great mindset to have, learning to regulate your word choice instead of becoming louder is a better way to love others and live a nice life

  51. 1.
    Power of I: Recently I've become more thoughtful when it comes to how I refer to myself in conversation, becoming less self-deprecating and upfront with where I want to go in my life and what I mean when I say things, most notably I was told to replace "I need" with "I want" in my life to recognize that I hold myself to these responsibilities because I desire an outcome, and it eases the dreading that comes with hard things.
    Manipulation/Coercion: This is probably my biggest pet peeve when it comes to conversations as it removes responsibility. It allows people to get mad when you don't follow through with what they want because they were unclear or it leads to hurt feelings as the words did not meet with their intentions. I strive to be direct but open in all my conversations, especially when requesting something from others.
    Vagueness: This is a further continuation for the "I" section for me, it's work I'm putting in for myself that makes situations more clear for everyone around me. I clarify myself as best I can and attempt to clarify in conversation with others, although I need to work on my delivery so it comes off less as mansplaining.
    Verbal Runoff: Augh my wordy heart. This one hits home and it's where I've probably had to put the most effort into out of all aspects mentioned here. To be concise, engaging, and explanatory is a hard juggling act that I believe I'll be working on until the ends of my days.
    Conscious Language: Ultimately this is the work I've been performing these past few months, becoming more aware about what, why, and how I'm saying to better reflect myself and my beliefs.

    2. "Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit" -Proverbs 15:4. Wise words spoken by a man that knows the resulting pain that can be caused by such lies. King David knew both what it was like to stand strong in the face of opposition with the power of Christ on his side and to turn from that power to indulge in depravity and sin. This alongside the rest of Proverbs are an appreciation for Christ's redeeming light as well as a warning for all of the Bible's readers to not follow in his footsteps. My advice is to learn from this without having to kill a wife's husband, it certainly didn't work out for him so well.

    1. I liked the way you used the use of lies as a way to be a cause of pain and using christ as an example of opposition towards him

  52. The words we use in our daily lives really show how powerful our words can impact on others who hear those phrases. An example would be “I’ll try”, that phrase really shows how you can use it to be able to let the listener believe that you'll “try”. This gives you an excuse if you won't be able to complete the thing you said that you'll “try” on. That makes it to where you are able to manipulate if the outcome is negative, by making it to where they cant be mad at you for trying because it's better than doing nothing. While also, shorter phrases truly do have a better impact compared to a long sentence with 12 words. The impact of the shorter phrase gives a more understanding from the listener, as the longer ones will just bore them. This gives the “I’ll try” a deeper meaning and an easy understanding. That is why words cut deeper than a sword.

    “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit” (Proverbs 15:4). This quote really impacts the reader as it truly gets the gist of how words can impact someone. The gentleness of others words brings you happiness and really does give you life as you feel that you are appreciated and are wanted. The deceitful tongue can really crush someone's life, as it can tear them down and bring them hate. Those types of tongues really change the person's view on the world and become one with hatred. This shows the difference between tongues, and these quotes show you the impact of both.

    1. I like they way you analyzed the article. It shows you really took the time to read it and really thought about what this article was talking about. I like how you talk about short phrases and that it's important to not have them too long or else you will bore the person you are either talking to or writing to.

    2. I agree with your statement that "Those types of tongues really change the person's view on the world and become one with hatred" and I think you explained your reasoning very well.

  53. What resonated with me most was how this article has such a deep understanding of words and offers ways for someone to utilize its verbal tools. The one thing I could not find amongst the different explanations was how to diverge from miscommunication. There were passages relating to ambivalence and manipulation, these can help someone avoid or aim to speak with purpose but it does not say how you should go about making sure what you mean is properly represented in what you are saying. It is very important to have some level or standard of higher speaking and understanding of your words but what happens when what you say follows all those guidelines and stays concise without rambling yet you have failed to get someone to understand what you mean?
    “Words are free. It’s how you use them, that may cost you.”-Melissa Joy
    This is a wonderful quote because it allows for the opportunity to dissect the individuality of the person or people it applies to. Of course, not everyone will make what they say so complicated and vice versa however the two most important parts of a conversation are the meaning and understanding. You could aim to use words to heal or help someone and their misunderstanding of your words leads to more pain. The same can be said otherwise when wielding those words to harm because interpretation is everything. Yes, words are free to use and it's what you say that has a cost. But it is also up to you to determine their value.

    1. I think a way to diverge from miscommunication is to be open and honest with each other that way you aren't using other to say a message that could mean something. For instance, in dating, some people use different types of words to indicate their wants whereas the partner won't see it the way the person wants them to see. I think being bold really limits the amount of miscommunication, along with the tone you use matters, as your tone can indicate sarcasm, humor or intimacy.

    2. What you have said so far, Logan, makes some sense to me; I am not sure if I am just too dumb to understand it, but some parts I do. However, your first paragraph made me wonder what the author would have said about people having miscommunications and how we can avoid them.

    3. I really liked the way you broke down your quote, how it dissect's the individuality of a person and the words can be used to heal others in conversation

    4. This is a very interesting response to the idea that we should choose our words carefully, I agree with the deep details that you went into.

  54. Reading the article the power of language, I agree with everything the article states. Since, I do think the word “I” dictates your mentality towards things. For example, I think affirmative words like “I can do this” or “I am the best” can make us more confident in completing difficult tasks. On the flip side, if I state negative affirmations like “I can’t do this” then you will hold yourself back from achieving success. Furthermore, words have the power to manifest things, if we say more positive things then we will attract more positive things in our life. Additionally, I think the lack of saying words is quite cool, how the less you say the more value your words hold. In relation to this topic, I’ve met people who would always talk, causing me to notice how annoying they can be or the lack of value of the words they speak.

    The quote I chose: “ Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit” Proverbs 15:4, is a quote that I really love as it reminds us to be wiser with our words. This biblical passage presents the power we hold with our words, either we can help or destroy someone, since words aren’t forgotten.

  55. In the article, “The Power of Language,” I discovered that “I” is a powerful word. The article also says we speak most of our words from habit rather than clear intent.
    “Be careful with your words, once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten.” this quote is my favorite because words are very powerful and once said can never be forgotten. Words can stick with you for a long time especially if they are hurtful. They may forgive you for what you said but the words said will never leave their mind.

  56. The article pretty much talked about how our words have meaning and power behind them. When I was reading something that resonated with me, it was the letter “I.” Whenever we say “I can” or “I can’t,” it has power since people who are listening can tell by the way you said it.

    “Words have a magical power. They can either bring the greatest happiness or the deepest despair.” -Sigmund Freud
    The reason this quote is my favorite is that it is true that no matter what you do, your words can be great and fill you with some sort of happiness and positivity, or they can bring down your mood and make you feel bad or guilty or hurt and sad, so I chose this quote as a way to say that words are extremely powerful.

    1. positive affirmations can be powerful to a person's self esteem as well. if its meaningful enough it can out weigh every negative and really make a difference

    2. I love how this quote highlights the power of words. Its also a reminder that what we say can shape our emotions and experiences, so instead of hurting others we should use our words wisely to spread positivity and kindness.

  57. The article's discussion about the power of “I” statements really stuck out to me. What you put after “I” can “speak volumes” and make or break what you wanna say. The difference between “I can” and “I think I can” is greater than one may think. Knowing how to properly articulate these statements is very important if you want people to really listen to you or take you seriously.
    The quote “there's a power in words, there's a power in being able to explain and describe and articulate what you know and feel and believe about the world and about yourself” really spoke volumes to me. As I get older, I see more and more the world we live in, its joys, flaws and uniqueness are all part of the human experience. I think it's powerful if you can take every feeling you have about not only the complex being that is yourself but also where that self is in the world, all into words, I think that is the ultimate superpower. We all, including myself, are constantly learning and growing to be our authentic selves, and being able to explain that journey so clearly is such an amazing thing we can do. Words can be the most powerful in the topic of creation. A lot of people can put their livelihood, sense of self, and passions into a text that was written hundreds, even thousands of years ago. If quotes from a book that were crafted in that time span have the ability to shape a person's worldview and morals, those words are very powerful.

  58. 1. In the short article, I learned that people often do not always realize how much the way that they phrase a statement can affect how they come across to themselves and others. For example, “I’ll try” is an out for you personally and to others saying that you may not deliver on what you need to, and both parties need to be okay with that outcome. Or how there is a very common form of manipulation used by first asking if someone is free a day, and then sighing and explaining why you asked. The other party will feel guilt-tripped into coming or doing their best to help you, even if they are already busy. And finally, the section about silence resonated with me because I enjoy silent moments with people, but I know not everyone does, so I will find myself trying to help fill the silence rather than enjoying it.
    2. “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit” (Proverbs 15:4). This quote is my favorite because it brings a whole host of theological ideas, but in a non-religious sense, it is also very powerful. In my brain, it connects with another verse in the Bible: “Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.” (James 3:5). The Proverbs verse is saying that you need to use gentle words because they can bring about “life”; if you choose to be careful with your words, they can give people motivation, happiness, a sense of love and belonging, and so much more. However, whether we intend to or not, many people tend to destroy people with our words. A simple sentence can keep someone from following their dreams, make them feel inadequate and small, and cause them to stumble and feel hopeless. This is something that I have had to learn and deal with in my own life.

    1. I agree with Jacob because the article we all use words, so we can communicate with one another. It might be a poorly executed attempt, as Jacob said. "I will try" is a word that is used on how you perform; like I try to do my best is a way to make the sentence better and have a clear message that you will try.

  59. In this article I learned how much control words have. Like how our words can control they way someone views themselves, an object, a subject, or you. It explains how we use language, like how language is a way for us to express our values and opinions. Having more straight forward answers really shows confidence when writing or talking. Filler words make you sound self conscious and gives off the vibe you don’t understand what you’re talking about. Base on this knowledge, I want to try and think more about what I say before I talk to people so that I don’t either hurt their feelings or change their viewpoint on something in a negative way. I also want to try and use less filler words when talking and writing, I have a habit of using them because they’re easy to make a text look big.

    “Words have a magical power. They can either bring the greatest happiness or the deepest despair.” This quote is my favorite quote because it has a simple and easy way of understanding what these words mean. What you say can either hurt or heal someone. Words stick with people whether we like to admit it or not. Everyone has that one thing that they think about that someone said to them that either made them happy or sad. This shows the power of words and how careful we need to be when speaking to people.

    1. I agree with your statement fully. I like how you said whether it is admitted or not "words stick with people".

    2. I agree with you because words can change the way someone sees themselves and its best to use your words to have someone see themselves more positively than negatively

  60. This is Caleb Canizales

  61. “Generally the more words you use to say something, the less power those words have.” The more words a person speaks shows they may just like to speak more to sound smarter, or hear their voice, and it can get boring or suspenseful having to hear everything else before getting to the message, so I learned to just get to my message quicker with my wording leaving most details out. This resonates with the use of power being in less words and exercising silence to achieve conscious word choices. showing silence is not a downgrade in language, what I used to believe, but rather a step to using language in a more powerful way.

    “Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.”
    - Robin Sharma
    I liked this quote because it really gives me a second opinion on what I say towards others whether they hear it or not. It allows me to think about what I am going to say before I say it. I never know how, what I say, will affect the person being talked to, and now I will start to think before I say. This is also what people have to go through, they have to use the correct words, the right tone, everything in their vocabulary to keep the person they speak to inspired rather than saying the wrong thing and destroy them.

    1. I agree with your statement on how people have to choose their language carefully. Things can be easily misinterpreted given different tones, word choices, or even body language and cues, so it's important to know how to use them depending on the situation.

  62. I found interesting the power language has to manipulate and coerce others since language is the tool of communication we all have in common, those who practice it more often can get good enough at it to make a whole career out of it. “So much of the way we present our ideas has to do with what we expect in return.” Manipulating language to accomplish what we want is an artful skill.

    “Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” In many cases, like debate, ideology, or politics, people think the most listened-to idea is the most heard one. This is not the case. Just because more people know about something does not make it popular, this is most likely a misconception caused by the phrase “all publicity is good publicity” this is only the case for generating publicity. Saying more and with more volume does not automatically make it more agreeable.

    1. I agree, most of the time people Agree with people because they are the most loud even if they are not right.

  63. 1. The article resonated with me when it says to say stuff like "I will" or "I can" cause it can motivate me more than saying that "I might" do something. The way you say things can also show your actual intention like if you plan to actually do something or not.
    2. "Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten." This quote was my favorite because there have been many things that people have said to me that hurt me and I will never forget no matter what. Also I have said hurtful things that I will always feel bad for so I try to be careful what I say to others so I don't make them feel how I have felt before.

    1. Jacob McCombs-ZepedaJanuary 21, 2025 at 2:10 PM

      I used the same quote! We have almost similar perspectives on the issue. I think that saying things without thinking twice about it can be equally powerful as it is harmful, or even beneficial. I really like that you are careful with what you say around people you care about, it is very sincere and it highlights your understanding of the power of language.

    2. that is actually a very interesting way of interpreting it, where what you say affect your actions instead of the other way around and I think that is actually a very cool way of seeing it

    3. I agree with you when you say that our minds speak to themselves. I like the tie you made between verbal speech and thoughts.

  64. Jacob McCombs-ZepedaJanuary 21, 2025 at 2:06 PM

    What resonated with me most in the article is that speaking IS a tool to get your mind and body on the same page. I really agree with this. Our minds speak to themselves in English to understand what you are thinking about. If our bodies are tired, but you made a promise, you will follow through.

    My favorite quote of the bunch is "Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten." This one is my favorite because this is the conflicts I deal with speaking to people daily. I am very impulsive with what I say so I may stutter out a word and end up replacing it mid-sentence, or I say the 'wrong thing' and I have to struggle to rationalize it to that person or somehow take it back. Although saying the wrong thing hurts sometimes, I think I learn more about myself whenever I say things I can't take back.

    1. I'm also super impulsive when it comes to words, so I, too, fear that I might say something wrong or stupid to someone whenever I open my mouth. I've done it in the past many times, but I forgave myself and learned from my mistakes. It helps one feel a little less down about their own words and their consequences.

      Also, I really like how you interpreted what the article said about the relation of our language to our bodies. Using words to push ourselves is a very good ability to have.

  65. I learned from the article that language has an effect on others depending on how you use it, what you say, and what you intend to say or mean. For example, “I’ll try” is a statement that sort of suggests to someone that you may fail at what they want you to do, or may just not do it at all. Also, “I” statements are very powerful and can make or break a conversation, an apology, or self-talk. Being direct also helps people understand what you need or want; you don’t want to beat around the bush. Avoiding accusatory language also helps in conversation. Use “I” statements instead of “you”.

    A quote I liked was, “be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten.” This was my favorite out of the selection of quotes because it feels familiar in the worst way possible. People love to hurt me with words. I don’t forgive easily, either, and I most certainly don’t forget. Ever. I remember my sophomore year honors chemistry teacher (yes this is obviously targeted) calling me “incompetent” in front of the entire class, I remember my mom’s husband calling me a “freak” because I’m afraid of bugs, I remember everything I was ever told by my abusers and by people who hated or continue to hate me. I have forgiven some words but none of them are forgotten, and they still sting.

    1. Jacob McCombs-ZepedaJanuary 21, 2025 at 2:15 PM

      I also liked that part in the article, where saying I'll try has a double meaning, it could be someone trying, or someone making a subtle excuse to fail. very interesting. I also think you should forgive easier, makes everything so much simpler. :3

    2. Jacob -
      I definitely agree. I need to work on forgiveness.

  66. "The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit." Proverbs 15:4. I picked this because first I liked the language and the Bible. I liked it because of the language it uses, especially when it says "crushes the spirit" mainly because that's exactly how I feel when someone says something mean to me. Then with the "tree of life" part it also felt like how I feel since when I hear something nice I always feel really good and positive like a tree or going outside.

  67. "words are free but it is how you use them that might cost you"

    honestly I was kind of tired so I picked the one that caught my attention first, but then I noticed something, it is one of the shortest quotes out of all of them, it doesn't have as many words as the others, it doesn't use the same words or poem like structure, it is something that is short and simple, the article talks about the power of words how we use them so much we become numb to them , we say so much but sometimes means so little. In history short sentences are the ones that are remembered, not speeches, a person has more powers when with a few words can inspire the people around him. you remember "I love you" rather than the entire time you spent with them, you remember the" I am" and "I like" rather than the whole introduction they gave you, and that is because words have power, words can affect your entire perspective on people and there is no bigger power than being able to say "I am" and giving your words power by defining yourself with them like the poem I chose it has less words but it gives the same message as the rest: we use words so freely that we forget that the words we say have power and consequences

    1. what I liked about the article is when they explain the power of " I " and the power of saying "i am" because you are able to define yourself, you can define your perception of yourself and the perception of you that people around you have about you the same goes for saying " I can do it" or "I will do it" you paint a picture of yourself for yourself and the people around you


  68. I’ve learned that the way we use words really affects how we feel and how others see us. For example, instead of saying I want something, it’s better to say I have or I choose because it helps us feel more in control and confident. I also realized that when we speak clearly and directly, we show our true intentions, which helps avoid confusion. Words are powerful, and being mindful of how we speak can help us create the life we want.

    “Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten”
    This quote highlights the importance of being mindful of how we communicate with others, as not everyone is experiencing the same situation as you. For example, you may say something jokingly, but if the other person doesn't know you well or is going through a tough time, they may not perceive it the same way and could feel hurt. When it says "they are not forgotten," it means that if someone doesn’t know you and you say something to them, that will form their first impression of you. In my opinion, words hurt more than actions because they stay in a person's subconscious and heart. While people can forgive, they rarely forget because if someone causes you pain, it’s something you can’t erase. You can only learn to forgive. For this reason, we must be conscious of how we speak to others.

  69. Something I reflected on from this article is that it really describes the power of language and it’s effect on shaping our thoughts, beliefs, and our lives. The article encourages us to be more aware of how we use language, as words can empower or limit us. The power of “I” is important because it makes us feel strong and in control. When we say "I am" or "I choose," we show that we can make decisions and do things. But when we say “I can’t” it makes us feel as if we are stuck or were in a position where we aren’t comfortable.

    “Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.”
    I choose this quote because it really shows how powerful words can be no matter the situation or tone. This quote encourages the use of staying calm, and using powerful, thoughtful words, rather than raising our voice in anger. This quote reflects that when choosing the correct words and spoken with the right intention, it has the power to create a positive change, thus like rain helps flowers to grow. Then the difference when shouting or yelling, thunder, can create noise but will not help a flower grow .

  70. I like what you said about having the power over what you say and how it can either affect someone's day in a good or bad way

  71. Language is a overlooked social tool that we use to reach common ground, communicate needs, and to do various other things. It's one of the most important abilities that we have as humans because it allows us to connect and to share our thoughts. Speech holds a deep powerful impact in our lives and the article highlights the powers of speech and how speech can be used in different ways depending on the speaker. I found it cool, that an everyday word like "I" is uplifting to us and is used to bring us upward typically when we use it. Our speech holds meaning and underlining tones that let people know things we may not want them to. The second paragraph that focuses on manipulation shows us how speech can be weaponized for our own benefit. If we are to share feelings of sadness and sorrow to someone, it'll be an instinct of theirs to fight those feelings we have shared with them by saying something positive. It is a short cut to get what you are wanting from someone. Rather than being direct, you are indirectly hinting at what you want which leads to it happening. I found this to be very interesting. In the paragraph focusing on vagueness and ambivalence, the author gives an example on how if you use a certain phrases or speech pattern, you can come off as unmotivated or unwilling to do whatever it is that is happening. Using certain vocabulary a person can tell you to expect them to fail prior to them even trying. Minor hints in speech leads to a bigger picture and it is important to try your best to see them. Lastly, Verbal runoff is explained as the longer you speak the less command or power your words hold. Short direct statements most of the time are much more powerful than rants or long formatted Speech. Filler words in our speech don't create as powerful of meaning and I found that to be interesting.

    "There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."

    I found this quote to hold the most meaning. I think that what is said here is true and can be used as a valuable life lesson. You'll see wiser people hold off on irrational acts or words and use other means of communicating before they reach that level.

  72. What we say to ourselves can be one of the most important things that influences what we and how we do things. What resonates with me most in this article is how we say things can say a lot about out confidence. The concept of “I” is such a strong thing it can determine how you will do things or can be the first step in how you look at things including yourself. The article mentions how simply saying “I can’t” means that you are allowing yourself to be controlled by outside influences. This resonates with me so much because for the longest time I would always tell myself “I can’t” these simple words brought my self-confidence down. The moment I started telling myself “I can do it” or “I know I can” started giving me more confidence in how I do things even if I messed up I would still look at how I could better myself for next time rather than look back and tell myself I did horrible.

    My favorite quote of the bunch was, “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit” Proverbs 15:4. The reason why I actually like this quote so much is because my mom and aunt would always tell me it whether I was bringing myself down or talking negatively about something else whether that be a person or life. They still bring it up to this day to remind me that one of the first steps to growth as a person is how much you understand the words you say have a lot more influence and meaning on both yourself and others then you would think.

  73. 1. After reading the article "The Power of Language" from Experience Life, I learned that the words we choose to use have a profound impact on our perceptions, emotions, and behaviors. What resonates with me most is the idea that language has the power to shape our reality, and that by being mindful of our words, we can create a more positive and empowering narrative. The article highlights the importance of using inclusive and respectful language, which is very important for building connections and fostering a sense of community. Overall, the article emphasizes the significance of language in shaping our experiences and relationships, encouraging readers to be more intentional and kind in their communication.

    2. I chose "O, that my tongue were in the thunder’s mouth! Then with a passion would I shake the world". I chose this quote because I feel it really demonstrates how even such a small word, a helpless, harmless word, can still cause a lot of damage based on the context in which it is used. Especially in a state of anger or sadness. We as humans tend to say things we soon regret because it hurts those we love and can tear apart relationships. When you argue these words simply just pop into your head, your feelings try to get out and onto the only thing it can which in some cases could be a loved one or maybe even a stranger. A lot of the time when I'm angry I think things that are terrible, and so rude. Especially when someone stresses you out and you can't find a nice way to express your feelings so you find it better to get straight to the point and tell them exactly what they are "doing wrong" to stress you out. When I'm upset too I tend to shut others reassurance down because I don't believe their words, and when they stop trying I get angry but only because I wish I could accept it. My words twisted because of my emotions, the thunder, then shaking the world and those affected. A small action can have a huge consequence, so it's always best to think about your choices before you make them, assess the damage they might cause and find a better way to express sensitive topics/feelings.


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